Chapter 8

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Hey guys, sorry for the delay!!!!

*****INCENDIA"S P.O.V********

Incendia's eyes sting from struggling to see into the complete darkness. As flames come into view, she lets a sigh of relief, after Teo's sudden coldness to her, they didn't speak other than to speak of directions, even then it was just terse one worded sentences that left Incendia feeling bewildered. Teo was warm and friendly even a tad annoying one moment and cold as well as her palace the next moment.

Wolf glares at the pair of them as they approach the camp where the men are all surrounded by the campfire cooking something that smells suspiciously like rotten fish and feet in a stew. 

"You're late. You clearly said you'd be here before it got dark, it is pitch black out. We waited for you to eat and we were just about to send out a search party for you!" Wold thunders crossing his arms over his hulking figure.

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep or the lack of conversation during her day long ride, but Wolf suddenly reminded her of a frenzied mother. Before she could stop herself she starts manically laughing, everyone stops their side talk to stare at her.

"What is wrong with her?"She over hears a tenor voice ask while she gasps for breathe before laughing all over again.

"It must be an Ice Kingdom thing, didn't Pa always say that they weren't quite right in the head?" Answers another male voice, slightly deeper but with the same twang of the southern Summer kingdom as before. Incendia assumes they must be siblings, she hears other murmurings alongside those two.

As Incendia continues laughing she feels a sudden chill come over her as if a tree miraculously grew in front of her and placed her in the shade. Sure enough, as Incendia wipes the tears from her eyes and opens them, Wolf is standing in front of her, shading her from the fire and looking irritated.

"Does there seem to be a problem?" He asks his tone warning, Incendia can't help but notice that his voice sounds like rocks tumbling down a cliff, all scrapping together; rumbling and powerful.

Incendia catches her breathe and cranes her neck to look up at him, he is so tall that her neck already asks from looking up. With his black eyes flashing with anger, his large crooked nose broken one too many times and the scar that slices his left eyebrow in half, Incendia should be frightened of him. Just a day ago Incendia would've been cowering against the log, she wouldn't have laughed she wouldn't of done anythign to attract the attention of this beast-like man. But now, after everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours, she could care less.

Incendia stands up from her spot by the fire so she an better look him in the eye. Defiantly she says,"I'm sorry I just didn't take you for a mama chicken clucking herself into a frenzy when one of her babies didn't come home on time."

This comment brings utter silence to the camp ground, even Teo who has been purposely ignoring the firey ice princess, stops sharpening the blade of his sword to watch the altercation . The big, hulking Wolf against the tiny, pale Incendia. After a few moments of staring at Incendia intently, Wolf lets out a low, loud chuckle so deep that Teo could feel the vibrations from where he sits against a tree with his blade.

"You've got a spine kid, I think we are going to get along just fine. But I can't let you get off that easily, you may have bested me in the art of wit but tonight we will see about sword fighting." Wolf says with a large grin. "Well after we find you something more....appropriate for fighting." He adds eyeing the ball gown that Incendia forgot she was wearing.

Incendia knew that she should ask Teo to introduce her to the soldier who was the apprenticed tailor, but her pride wouldn't allow it especially after the chilling way he dismissed her earlier. This is her territory, it does not matter if he commands these men, on this frozen land, she was his superior.

Wolf watches asTeo and Incendia pointedly pretend to ignore each other from across the campfire, he sighs.

"Teo? Your guest would like something to wear." Wolf tells Teo with a warning tone.

Teo and Wolf have a glowering match which only breaks when Teo barks, "Randolph! Get Dia something appropriate to wear until you can find out what to do with that dress!"

It doesn't escape her notice, that he failed once again to call her by her name, however Incendia keeps her face a mask of indifference. This proud, arrogant man can try to get under his skin as much as he likes but she won't give him the satisfaction of knowing it was actually working.

Randolph, a small, slender man with almost a feminine figure ushers her inside one of the many tents. He has a pretty face for a man with high check bones, covered by a smooth caramel colored skin. His large hazel eyes are surrounded by thick eye lashes that even Incendia can't help but envy. Once inside, he eyes her critically, "Yes, yes I know a way we can salvage the dress and make it into something a bit more....dangerous and efficient. Now take off that dress and change into these clothes, they will be a bit tight on you given that you have a figure and I clearly don't" Randolph says gesturing towards himself still staring at her dress.

Incendia stands there clutching the borrowed clothes and waits for Randolph to leave or at least turn away.

Sensing her hesitation, Randolph rolls his eyes and says, "Oh, please you are not my type in the slightest, I have no interest in whatever you have underneath there. Don't get me wrong you're a pretty girl but not for me. But if it makes you more comfortable, I will turn around for the Ice Princess."

Incendia can't help but laugh at his remarks, the content of it should have been scathing but coming from this unusual man it was just a comment.

"You can turn around now." Incendia tells him as she tugs at the dark green tunic that is much tighter than what she is used to over her black leggings made out of some type of leather that allows her to move in ways she can't in a dress. 

"Stop!" Randolph commands as Incendia goes to drop her dress carelessly on a wooden stool by the opening flap of the tent. "You fold that gown! If not you will ruffle the lace and the silk!" He says with a shake of his head as he snatches the gown from her hand he pushes her out of the tent.

With another light hearted laugh, Incendia walks over  a little awkwardly at first as she gets use to her new clothing that fits like a second scene to where she sees Wolf and Teo laughing at something. Teo's laughter abruptly fades, as Incendia comes into view. Incendia can feel his eyes burning into her body as he slowly takes in her new outfit, bringing a flaming blush to her checks. After taking in her new appearance, Teo turns and stalks away without a single word.

Incendia stares at his retreating form and mubles under her breath, "Prideful, arrogant son of a.... "

"I wonder if Teo notices how firey the Ice Princess' checks have gotten lately." Wolf interrupts with an innocent tone but a knowing look.

Incendia stares him down and answers in an indignant tone, "In case you haven't noticed it is below freezing out and I've been riding a horse all night, of course my cheeks are flushed."

"Whatever you say Ice." Wolf says, Incendia snorts, what is with these men giving her nicknames, uncreative nicknames she might add.

Incendia reaches behind Wolf where a freshly sharpened sword lays on top of it's scabbard. She points it as Wolf and says, "I thought you wanted to practice?"

All the men gather around the two of them as Wolf reaches down to his side and slowly withdraws his own blade, reflecting the fire onto his blade, giving the appearance of a burning blade, well all except one man. 

"Oh no Ice, I did not say practice, I said fight." Wolf replies with a mischievous grin as he raises his sword against his opponent who only reaches up to his enormous arms.

Hey guys! Sorry if this one was a bit choppy! I literally had to get up at 2:30 am to make a 5am flight and my last flight didn't land till 5 pm. I was writing this on an airport floor waiting for one of my many layover flights that smelled like old cheese. If you guys find anything at all wrong with this chapter please let me know! It will really help me improve so much!

BTW I have been informed recently that we have over 100 likes on this book! this means so much to me guys please keep reading and voting and commenting it keeps me inspired! =^)

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