Welcome To London

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First Sherlock fic that I have written, I hope you guys enjoy it. Comments and Votes are welcome:')


“I can’t believe this! I’m the best detective here, you can’t..”

“And that is why they have asked for you, Lucinda.” Joe wipes his forehead in frustration.

“Really, and don’t they have someone over there already? Sherlock Holmes?”

“Yes, but they wouldn’t say much.” He plays with his fingers on his leg.

“Who is they?”

“Well, Detective Inspector Lestrade.”


“Look, it’s a temporary thing, help them with a few cases, then you can come back home.” Again with the wiping. 

“I really don’t see the point.”

“You never do. And yet, here you are.”

“You are lying to me. You need me here more than they do.”

“No…” I raise my eyebrow at him, “Yes, I do need you, but they clearly need your help. I didn’t get much details, but I think this will be good for you. Honestly, things around here are settled, and yes, because of you, I think we can handle a couple of months.”

“Fine, Joe. I will go. But trust me, if I get bored..”

“I know, you will come back. They understand that too.” He smiles. “Just play nicely.”

“Don’t I always?”

“Try to make some friends, it’ll be good for you.”

“I don’t need friends.” He raises an eyebrow. “I’ve already got you, that’s enough.”


“Would you like something to drink?” The flight attendant asks.

“Iced water.”

“Nothing stronger, first class gets free drinks.”

“Just the water, thank you.”

She smiles and walks away.

“So, are you a lawyer?” She asks.

“Tell your friend that I am not interested, especially not in someone who sends his colleague to find out information and doesn’t have the balls to come ask himself. But just to satisfy your curiosity, and his, no I am not a lawyer.”

“I apologize..”

“Don’t apologize. You shouldn’t let him talk to you into these sort of situations. You should have some self respect also. Not just because the two of you dated at some point means that he can manipulate you like this.”

“How did you know?”

“Just a lucky guess. Now, if you don’t mind.” I say waving her off.

She half smiles and walks away.

I sigh as we finally land in London. Customs wasn’t as bad as I had expected.

“Ms. Mitchell?”


“Welcome, I’m Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade.” He extends his hand.

I take it and shake it firmly.

“Now, can you explain to me why I was asked to come here?”

“You are one of the best investigators out there..”

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