Nightmares Come True

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♥️ Katalia's POV ♥️
I sat in the booth while Andy was getting our drinks but since I was 8 months pregnant my drink couldn't have alcohol in it so parties like this aren't fun anymore. Andy made his way through the crowded dance floor with two drinks.
Andy: hey baby, are you okay you don't look like you're having any fun...
Me: I'm not... I feel like shit and you don't want me home alone thus far along but I want you to have fun before Hailie is born.
Andy placed the drinks down on the table in front of me.
Andy: aww babe if you didn't want to come then you just could've said so.
He gave me a reassuring smile telling me he's not mad. He helped me get up and pushed people out of the way so they won't hurt the baby while walking through the crowd. We finally reached the door and crossed the road to get to our car and Andy being the gentle man he is, he opened the door and helped me sit down, once I was secure he closed the door and got in the drivers seat and made our way down the street. We had a red so we just sat there thinking about baby things. The light turned green so Andy started moving.
Nothing could prepare me for what was about to happen. It all happened so fast, all I could remember was a red truck swerve passing the red light as I yelled Andy's name before the truck smashed into us then black.

🦇 Andy's POV 🦇
I heard Katalia scream my name with terror in her voice, when I turned my head towards her our car was pushed against a building. That's when I realized what had just happened, but before I did anything I turned towards Talia to she her bleeding from the head and her door bent in towards her. I started crying while I grabbed my phone to call 911.
911 operator: 911 what's your emergency.
Me: please get to the corner of somerset and Saint Katherine street. My fiancé and I were in a car crash and she's pregnant and unconscious...
I can't believe I just said that... you see and hear of these things all the time but you'd never think that it would happen to you.
I put the operator on speaker trying to get Talia out of the vehicle without moving her too much causing her discomfort. I finally got her out of the car when the ambulance came and took her away without me because there wasn't enough room...
The police was questioning me while I was sitting on the back of a ambulance while they took the guy who was arrested for drinking and driving...
Because of that guys decision on drinking and driving he could've killed Katalia or Hailie... or both...
I wanted to get to the hospital but they weren't done questioning me... all I could think about was Talia and Hailie. I HAD to get to that hospital.

Authors note
Sorry for such a sad beginning to the story but it's a huge part of the story line. But I hoped you enjoyed reading it and will keep reading. Please vote, add to your reading lists and comment. I will answer as any questions you have!💘
Love, Jay🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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