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Marinette's P.O.V
         Cat kissed me on the forehead. He kissed me.....on the forehead.....but then he had to go. He waved goodbye and smiled. I watched him leap into the night. I couldn't believe what just happened. My cheeks had become a crimson red. No! I love Adrien! Not Cat. Not sweet, caring, generous, and hot Cat Noir...stop it!! Stop it stop it stop it!! I couldn't fall for Cat....or could I? I shook my head and I laid back down to go back to sleep.

(The Next Day)

Adrien's P.O.V
I woke up the next day to Plagg in my face.
"Wake Up Kid!! WAKE UP!!!"
"C'mon! Wake up! You need to go to school to see your sweetheart!!"
"I already told you, I-I......you know what I don't care anymore!! Maybe she is my sweetheart!! Maybe she isn't!! I don't know Plagg!! I just don't know...." I heaved a sigh.
"I know that sigh, kid. That's your lovesick sigh."
"Maybe you're right Plagg. Maybe I do have some feelings for Marinette. But my heart belongs to Ladybug. All I could think about last night was what I should do."
"Just believe in yourself Adrien. Your heart will tell you what it wants. Give it time."
"Thanks Plagg."
"Now I want cheese."
How did I know his generousness was going to ware off? I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
"Here you go." I gave Plagg his cheese. He immediately started eating it.
"Alright Plagg. Now I have to get ready for school."

(At School)

Marinette's P.O.V
I got to school around 7:55. I was on time. I walked in the classroom and immediately met eyes with Adrien. I blushed then sat in my seat. I still have feelings for him. But Cat......my thoughts were quickly interrupted by Mrs. Bustier coming in and starting class.
"Good morning Students. Open your textbooks to page 125 please and let's begin." Mrs Bustier said with a smile.

(After Class)

It was lunchtime. I had sat down in my seat and started eating my lunch when I heard Chloe yelling at Rose.
"How dare you spray that foul smelling perfume on me!! As if Prince Ali would ever enjoy it coming from the likes of you!!" Chloe screamed at Rose.
"I-m s-sorry..." said Rose as she ran off, tears clearly welling up in her eyes.
I scoffed and walked up to Chloe.
"That was not very nice Chloe. It was only an accident!"
"Oh what do you we have here?? Maribrat sticking up for smelly Rose?"
I tried really hard to restrain my fist from making contact with Chloe's face. Instead I flipped her off, rolled my eyes and started to walk away when...
I turned around and immediately my eyes searched for the site of the noise. It was Rose. She had been akumatized. As I tried to run to a safe place to hide to transform, a familiar black cat suddenly landed in front of me.
"Hey Princess. Are you okay?" he said with worry in his eyes, scanning me up and down for any sign of injury.
"Yes I'm fine Cat."
"Okay good now hold on." he said grinning.
"Wait w-what?!" I exclaimed as Cat picked me up bride style.
"I'm taking you home so you can be safe."
"I think I can get there myself."
"I know. But I don't know what I would do if something happened to you Princess. Now hold on."
I blushed as he jumped roof to roof with me in his arms. We finally reached my balcony. He put me down. I was blushing really hard so I looked down.
He lifted my chin up and looked in to my blue eyes with his stunning green ones.
"I hope you don't fall for me, Princess."
He paused. Then he started to lean in. I swear my heart almost pounded out of my chest. He kissed my forehead and grinned.
"I'll come back later to hang out if you want."
"I'd like that." I responded, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Stay safe."
He winked at me and then leapt off to the crime scene. I just stood there smiling. Tikki flew out in front my face.
"What was that all about??" Tikki said curiously while smiling at me.
"I don't know....but we have Paris to save!! Tikki spots on!!"

Adrien's P.O.V
I picked her up and took her to her house. She was so warm. Suddenly a pink blush spread across my face. Here we go again. I dropped her off on her balcony. I saw her blush and look down. I inched closer to her and lifted her chin up. I looked into her beautiful blue eyes.
"I hope you don't fall for me Princess." I wanted to kiss her so bad. I paused and swallowed, I resisted the urge and leaned in to kiss her forehead and grinned.
"I'll come back later to hang out if you want."
"I'd like that." She responded back.
"Stay safe."
I winked and leaped off to the scene of the crime. Rose had been akumatized.
"Hello everyone!! My name is Ms. Spritz!! Now Ladybug and Cat Noir, give me your miraculous!!"
I looked around and saw that people had been sprayed with the contents her bottle and now smelled of heavy perfume. I could barely breathe. I was on the roof of the school when Ladybug landed next to me.
"Nice of you to drop in." I said to her as she smiled. We scanned the area for Rose and we found her. She had sprayed Chloe.
"Ewww I can't believe you just did that!! Daddyyyyy!!!"
I laughed under my breath.
"Her name is Ms Spritz. She sprays you with her perfume that is very strong. I think the akuma is in her perfume bottle." I said to a confused Ladybug.
"Okay Kitty. Thanks. Now I'll distract her while you go get her perfume bottle and use your Cataclysm to destroy it. Then I'll de-evillise it. Got it?"
"Got it."
We hopped down and got to work. As Ladybug distracted Ms. Spritz, I snuck up behind her and grabbed her perfume bottle.
"Hey!!" yelled a startled Rose.
"Cataclysm!!" I yelled as I destroyed the bottle. The akuma then flew out.
"Time to de-evilise!!"
"Miraculous Ladybug!!"
Everything was cured.
"W-where a-am I??" said Rose with a confused look on her face.
"Pound it." We said in unison.
Our miraculouses beeped.
"Bye Ladybug. See you later."
"Bye Kitty. See you soon."
Then I leaped off to my house. I had jumped into my window right as my miraculous beeped one last time. I detransformed and Plagg flew out of my ring and onto my bed.
"Here Plagg. Have some camembert. We need to do something."
Plagg had finished his Camembert in 2 quick bites.
"What do we have to do?"
"We're going to see my Princess."

                 End of Chapter Four

Author's Note: Hey dudes!! I hoped you liked the chapter!! Did you guys like how Adrien flipped out on Plagg?? Anyways please make sure to vote and comment what you think!! Until next time dudes!!

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