6 Months

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*skips to one month later*

Victoria's POV

It has been 6 months so far with Nash and I's little angel. I cannot believe she is coming in three months, as so is my wedding. Speaking of wedding that brings me to today. I was going out with Ani,Paige, Jen,Miranda, Jess, and Paige's new bestie Anabel. I have never met her, but I think she is nice. I mean I haven't been around Miranda and Jess much, but they are potential besties.

"Victoria!" Jen said running up to me.

"Jen!" I yelled back.

"OMG look at that little angel growing everyday" Ani came up behind her.

"Yeah I can't wait" I said.

"Victoria!" Paige said coming to me with a pretty blonde who I guess was Anabel.

"Paige!Anabel!" I said hugging both of them.

"Miranda!Jess!" I said hugging them too.

"Ready to get our shopping on?" The all said in unision.

Our first stop was a cute little bridal boutique. I loved all the dresses, but none of them seemed right.

"Oo Victoria look at this one" Miranda said pointing to a dress. I quickly walked up to it and scanned it. From the top to mid dress it was lace and the rest flowed down perfectly in silk. It was perfect. The color was a beautiful rustic color and it was perfect.

"I am going to try it on!" I said excitedly. I entered the dressing room and slid on the flawless dress. I have to admit it looked stunning on me.

"OMG" The girls gasped when they saw me.

"IT LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL" They all exclaimed.

"I know the perfect make-up to go with that" Anabel said happily.

"You would do my makeup?" I asked her stunned.

"Of course I will" She exclaimed happily.

"Oh sweetie that looks marvelous on you" The saleslady told me.

"Now you are going to need bridesmaid dresses too right?" She asked as she stared at the girls and me.

"Yes" I said.

"Follow me ladies" She said and lead the way to a rack with 6 dresses, one for each of them.

"Woah they match my dress perfectly" I said suprised.

"Lets go try it on" Jen said super happy. To tell you the truth ever since Jen got with Sammy she never seemed to stop smiling. I was really proud of her for moving on to another guy.

"Hurry it is almost time for us to go visit the hall" I yelled to them. They quickly walked into the fitting rooms and got into their dresses. One by one they all came out. It look beautiful. Each of them had one thing that stood out with the dress. Jen was her brown curly hair, it matched the dress perfectly. Ani was with her curves that stood out in the fitted dress. Paige with her dazzling eyes that literally popped right out. Jess was her glamorous award winning smile. Miranda was her tallness that literally worked well with her dress. Anabel was her bright blonde hair that stood out anywhere.

"Wow you guys look amazing" I said astonished.

"So you are taking them?" The lady asked for approval.

"YES!" I yelled.

"Okay sweetie by next week they will be ready okay?" She said and I nodded in approval. All of us quickly walked out of the shop and into our separate cars.

*At the hall*

Jennifer's POV

I was so excited about my dress I could not stop jumping in Jess' van. I was more excited I was going to see Sammy again today which I haven't seen in like a week. After our first date everything flowed so perfectly. You wouldn't understand the perfection.

"We are here" Jess called and I was the first to jump out the van. Quickly I ran inside the hall and the first thing I saw was Sammy.

"BABE" I yelled to him.

"BAE" He yelled and picked me up off the ground to spin me around.

"I missed you so much" He said to me and kissed me. Everytime we kissed I fell inlove all over again.

"I missed you too" I said back to him looking into his perfect eyes.

"Ew" Matt said behind me. We were friends still of course, but I knew somewhere inside I wanted to be more. My brain tells me Sammy, but my Heart says Matt. I listen to my brain because it won't lead me to heartbreak.

"Oh please shut up" I said playfully punching his shoulder. Luckily I only had to worry about him since Shawn is definitely over me.

"No hitting the merch" He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed Sammy's hand and walked into the room where the reception would be.

"Hey baby girl" Nash said as soon as Victoria entered the room.

"Hey" She said quickly kissing him on the lips.

"Hey Nash where is Hayes" I asked because why wasn't my partner in crime here?

"Oh yeah he is with his girlfriend she has cancer and she doesn't know when she'll get better" He said looking down. Oh that made me sad, my first fan.

"Hold up" I said stepping out of the room to call Hayes.

Hayes' POV

I stayed with her the whole entire time. This are the last moments the doctors said. After three months the pain finally stops today. Why does life want to take her away from me? *RING* My phone goes off and I pick it up.

"Hayes what's wrong?" Jen asked me.

"She- she is dying Jen and I can't do anything about it" I said starting to cry.

"Hayes don't be sad, atleast she will be out of misery" She told me.

"But I want her to be out of misery, but with me" I spilled out.

"Hayes sometimes life just works in many different ways you know" She tried to encouraged. All of a sudden Andy's heart beat starts dropping.

"Jen I'll call you back" I said quickly and hung up on her. I walked up to Andy and saw her lying there I grabbed her hand.

"Andy know that no matter what I love you, you will always be my first and true love, I will miss you a lot babe. One day we will see each other again I promise you one day" I said to her and kissed her. With that her heart stopped. I cried soflty into her chest. How could I spend only four months with someone and be inlove? Is that how it is supposed to work? Now I can never find out because she is gone.



YOLO I TOOK MYSELF OUT OF MY OWN BOOK COOL COOL COOL. Whatever so I am sorry for being annoying but please if you can dm the boys to read the one that got away they could always increase my reads you never know right plus you get to be in my next fanfic also, one more thing a little contest below if you could guess how I invision my dream guy describe him in the comments, one helpful hint I am a tomboyish girl so that should get you start. IF YOU GUESS RIGHT ILL MAKE U HAYES' GF

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