Set Time Ch.11

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I woke up and saw it was sometime around 9:00. I hopped quickly out of bed and looked at my calendar. 6 days left until my dance competition! I'm excited but nervous at the same time!

I jumped in the shower and put on some shorts and a tank top. Just something I can wear if I want to hang out or practice. I looked at my phone to see if Cameron texted me.
It was one text saying that he was waiting outside for me. He sent it 2 minutes ago.
I told Dylan that I was going to hang out with Cameron. Then ran out the house.
I walked outside and saw Cameron sitting on the step playing Candy Crush on his phone. I sat down right next to him and kissed him on the cheek.
"Oh hey!" He said smashed his lips onto mine and held me cheek. I kissed him back. A couple of seconds later we pulled away and smiled at each other. Cameron stood up.
"So what do you want to do today?" I asked standing up.
"Actually, I have to go to the set today. But, you can come with me." He said.
"Okay." I said.
He grabbed my hand and we walked to the studio which was a couple of blocks away from where we were.

I was in Cameron's dressing room. He was picking which outfit to where.
"Cameron to the set!" The man on the intercom said.
"Crap. I gotta hurry. I'll just pick this one." Cameron said them running into the bathroom to change. He came out 2 minutes later.
"Have a good day on set." I said.
"Thanks." Cameron said. He gave me a quick peck then ran out the room.

I sat down on the couch that he had in his dressing room. I went on Twitter and checked somethings. I toke a picture and put in the description "At the Jessie set in Cameron's dressing room!". I posted the picture.
I got bored after 5 minutes so I wanted to watch Cameron act. So I walked out the room and and walked over to the set.
I watched as he performed.

10 minutes later his scene was finished.
"Cameron, over here!" Some fans said.
He smiled at them and ran towards them. Cameron signed a couple of autographs and toke some pictures.

He walked back and I jumped on top of his back on surprise.
"Woah!" he said almost falling.
"Hey Cam." I said.
"He J." He said back.
I climbed off his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I missed you." I said.
"I missed you too." Cameron said.
I gave him a kiss and he kissed me back. I pulled away for air.
"Is anybody else's scene done?" I asked.
"Umm Skai's. Wanna go see her?" Cameron asked.
"Yea." I said. He grabbed my hand and we ran over to her dressing room.
Cameron knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
He opened the door and we both walked in.
"Hey Jacey!" Skai said giving me a hug.
"Hey." I said giving a hug back.
We sat down and caught up on some things. We talked about how I was gonna be on the dance show in a couple of days.
"Are you nervous?" Skai asked.
"Yes! This contest could bring me to my future." I said.
"That's how I was when I auditioned for Jessie. I learned a trick to push me to do something." Skai said. I nodded my head.
"Just jump up and do it and your body won't be able to go back because you're already starting." Skai said.
"That actually works?" I said.
"Well, for me at least." Skai said.
"Jacey, we should get going. Just to go over to routine." Cameron said.
"Ok. Bye, Skai." I said giving her a hug.
"Bye." She said giving me a hug back.

Me and Cameron left the studio and went to the park. We heard lots of screaming. I looked behind me and saw girls running.
"Run!" I yelled. I started sprinting towards the park. Cameron right near me.
We ran in the street and cars kept joking and slamming their brakes.
"If we turn this corner we can make it to my house." I said pointing at a direction. He nodded and we ran that way. In about 45 seconds we ran in my house and quickly closed the door.
Luke and I were huffing and puffing. I grabbed two water bottles out of the refrigerator and tossed one to Cameron.
He toke a big gulp of it.
"Dang, those fans can run fast." Cameron said. After he caught his breath he looked around the house.
"I just realized that I never been to your house before. It's nice." Cameron said touching the furniture.
"Thanks." I said.
"Does Dylan mind that I'm here?" Cameron said.
"No. She's at work. She won't be back for another 2 hours." I said.
"I wanna see your room." Cameron said.
"Follow me." I said gesturing my arms to follow me. We walked upstairs and I opened the door to my room. It was simple. I was only staying for the summer so I don't want to make it fancy then take the time to take the stuff down.
"Your room is so boring." Cameron said playfully.
"Oh shut up." I said giving him a light push.
My laptop started ringing. I was getting a call from Skype.
"Who's calling you?" Cameron asked.
I looked at it. It was Daylah.
"It's my friend. Wanna met her?" I asked.
He nodded. I grabbed the laptop and sat on my bed and so did Cameron.
I pressed answer and her face popped up in the screen.
"Hey Daylah." I said.
"Hey- Oh my Lord." She said as she saw Cameron.
"Hey." Cameron waved back.
Daylah screamed in her pillow and looked back at us. I was raising my eyebrow.
"Sorry." Daylah said.
"That's fine. I'm Cameron." Cameron said.
"I know who you are. My names Daylah. So you are dating my best-friend, Jacey aren't you?" Daylah said.
"Daylah!" I said.
She started laughing.
"Yea I am." Cameron said.
"That's so cute!" Daylah said.
"Daylah, come here and clean the dishes!" Her mom said in the background.
"I got to go. I call you later." Daylah said.
"Ok bye!" Me and Luke both said.
"Your friend seems nice." Cameron said.
"Yea. You should probably go. Jacey is gonna be here soon. I don't want you to get in trouble." I said sadly.
"Ok, but before I leave." Cameron said. He then grabbed my waist and pulled me into a deep kiss. I kissed him back and started putting my fingers through his hair. Oh how I loved those lips of his.
We made out for about 2 minutes until he pulled back.
"Bye, Jacey." Cameron said
"I'll walk you out." I said.
We walked downstairs and he opened the door. I gave him one more kiss.
"Bye, Jacey." Cameron said.
"Bye, Cameron." I said.
He started running back him so no fans could get him.

I think I love Cameron.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been forever since I updated! I have been very focused in my other book that has more views. This book almost has 2k reads though.

It might be a while since the next time I update. But I'll try to write up something.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment if you likes this chapter.


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