Sonnet 116

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My pastel skirt fluttered in the wind, as I walked into the school, Janice High. I smoothed the crumpled skirt out as made my way to my battered blue locker. As I opened the old thing, I was hit by a musty wave of some foul, ugh. I watched as people passing by pinched their nose. That needs to be cleaned out. I pulled my textbooks out and slammed the locker closed as I made my way to my first period class, AP L.A. with Ms. Gretchen. The L.A. room door was wide open as I took confident strides into the room.

All my confidence was thrown into the all-knowing trash as I bumped into a towering figure.

Scratch that.

Not just any towering figure. It's the Matt Thomas.

"Watch where you're going, nerd." He sneered. Did I mention I hate him? Yeah, I do.

"My name is Macy, not nerd. You must have me mixed up with someone else." I shot back with a sweet smile.

OK. You have to admit. That was pretty good. Mhm. A huge smile crept up on my face as I made my way to my desk. I ran my fingers through my silky black curls and got my homework out.

"Tsk. Tsk. Let's start class. Matt is it? Honey, please sit down." Ms. Gretchen said. Matt sent an icy glare in my direction that sent shivers up my back. Seeing me shift uncomfortably gave him the satisfaction he needed as his sneer was replaced with a smirk.

I'll have to wipe that off sooner or later.

He took his seat in the opposite side of the room as Ms.Gretchen started talking. "We will be going through sonnets by Shakespeare today. Particularly Sonnet 116." Her red painted lips twisted into a smile as we groaned.

She opened her notes and started reading in a shrilly voice.

"Let me not to the marriage of true minds,

Admit impediments. Love is not love.

Which alters when alteration finds,

Or bends with the remover to remove:

O no! It is an ever-fixed mark

That looks on tempests and is never shaken.

It is a star to ever wandering bark,

Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks

Within his bending sickle's compass come :

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,

But bears it out even to the edge of doom.

If this be error and upon me proved,

I never writ, nope man ever loved."

"Do you guys know what Shakespeare is trying to convey?" Ms. Gretchen asked, twirling her brown curls between her two fingers.

"That he's crazy." Matt called out. The class snickered including me.

"I agree." I muttered.

"And why do you agree with Matt here Ms....."

"Macy." All eyes were on me now to defend my point of view. I took a deep breath in and collected my thoughts. "If you think you're in love, you should go run into a brick wall. It will hurt a lot less in the end. Shakespeare implies that there is something called true love?" I raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Well there is no such thing as true love. Nothing ever stays forever. Forever is too good to be true. Love will always break at one point because love is just a word." I took a breath and smiled, signifying the end of my rant. I turned to watch as my class's mouths were agape.

The bell rang. "Ok then.... I'm just going to go......yeah." I got up and gathered my stuff, heading to my next class, French with Mrs. Rice.

Throwing my bag over my shoulders I took off, soon followed by my classmates. I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned around to come face to face with none other than Matt, and even more popular Miles Parker. I quickened my pace.

"Macy wait!" They hollered, their booming voice echoing in the hallway. Again, all eyes were on me. Even when they whisper, all eyes were on them. Yelling is a whole new level. I guess I'll have to listen to what they have to say. I groaned and waited for them.

"Don't you guys have a class to get too?" I questioned.

"Do you think we even care?" They answered in unison.

I shrugged. "True..... But I care. So I'm going to go."

Matt shrugged, mirroring my actions. "I don't care. But your little speech was pretty epic." A grin spread across his face. "Shakespeare is stupid!"

"Thanks?" I began to walk away when Miles interrupted me.

"Can I walk with you? We have math together anyway." He stated.

"Um, sure." I respond unsure of how to respond to the Miles. I don't fantasize about him or anything, but ya know. I don't want to be the next target of bullying. I like being invisible.

"What do you have against love?" He suddenly blurted out.

"Love doesn't mean anything. And if this is what you want to talk about I'm leaving." I quickened my pace, hopefully leaving him behind.

"Wait!" He exclaimed.

"Give me a year to show you what love is." He said, his eyes bright and amusement scribbled all over his tan face.

"Love is stupid. I already said." I flicked my black curls over my shoulder, pivoting on my heel to run off to my next class.

He put his arm on my shoulder, an unknown sensation shooting through my body. "Let's make a deal. By the end of the year, if you don't understand what love is, my entire view on my life will be altered. And also you'll get the privilege of saying 'I told you so.' "

I raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. "And if I do understand love?"

You'll realize your life has been a lie. And you'll get to feel the beautiful sensation of love." He stated like it was a fact. "It's a win - win." He added.

The ends of my lips curved upwards into a smile. "Deal. After all, love is just a word."

"That is until the right person comes along." He shot back with a smirk.

"Who said you were the right person?"

"I did."

"What can you teach me?"

"About love? A lot."

"I doubt that. Game on." I replied with a smirk.

All I have to do is not fall for his antics.

**Please read the author's note!!**

Hello there lovely readers! Thank you so much for stumbling across my book. I hope you have enjoyed so far!

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Yours truly,


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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