Chapter 1

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Alex's Pov

Niall and I run back to my house quickly making sure we dont get spotted by "Certain" People..

I unlock my door and run inside and fall to the ground

"That is my work out for the rest of the year" I say still huffing and Puffing

"Hard" Niall says in the same tone as me

After 5 Minutes, We pick ourselves of the ground and sit on the couch...

Niall lays down and puts his head in my lap.. We always did this when we were 14 and he was 16

"Remeber the time when you broke Amy's nose" He says looking up at me whilst I was playing with his dirty blonde hair

"Yeah... I hated that girl... she was such a..." I say smiling then frowning when I dont wanna say the word

"The B word" He says

"Yeah" I say awkwardly

I looked at him smiling and a thought came to me

"When do you go back on tour?" I say silently hoping it wasnt Next Week Nor Tommorow

"Next Month" He says grining widely

"Yay.." I say smiling brighter than him

"What do you want to do in the future?" I say still playing with his dirty dyed Blonde Hair

"Find the Girl... Get Married... Children and still be in One Direction living my dream" He says still looking at me

I sigh thinking that I will never get married, Children and a Man

"Darling you will find him... Look at me" Niall says softly, My face is still facing the left side. Niall uses his fingers to look at him

"I wont Niall... Im fat.. Ugly... I have Pimples everywhere... Im not worth it.." I say tearing up... Im an emotional girl

Niall gets his head off my lap and sits up, and puts me in his lap

"Princess... who said that?" He says looking into my ugly eyes, i look down

Niall places his fingers under my chin and pulls it towards him

"You are worth it... Can I do something to show me I care" He says smiling

I nodd nervously

He leans foward and I start to lean in as well.. I feel his warm lips press against mine.. I feel butterflies explode within my stomach

I pull away and wrap my arms around his neck

"You made my day" I say playing with his hair and pulling his head for one last kiss

"Did you know all those things I said about what I wanna do in the future Babe" Niall says looking into my eyes

"Yeah" I say smiling

"Yeah.. That was all about you" He says bringing our foreheads toghther

I blush slightly

What a cheeser

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