Day Dreamer

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***Abigail's POV***

"Ok, we're here." Cameron said with his signature grin.

"Aw! Cameron! I can't believe you brought me here!" I replied gasping. We were standing on the Hollywood walk of fame. I seriously would love to spend the rest of my life with him. "So, whose star do you want to see first?" My knight in shining armor slung his arm around me and kissed my temple sweetly.

"Ooh can we go see Leonardo Dicaprio's star first, please please pleeeeeease?!" I begged, using the puppy pout I've finally nailed.

"Of course my love. Whatever you want to see. Today is all about you. I wanna fuck you all the tiiiiiiime" I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock on my phone going off. Don't judge my taste in music.

Oh well, time for school. To be honest I'm actually a really good actress and I've gotten a lot of offers, it's just that I turn them all down because I can't stand being away from Cam. I guess you could say he's the reason I get up in the morning and drag my lazy butt to school.

I roll out of my bed, head first, grabbing the clothes closest to me before heading to the bathroom. My outfit consists of a black crop top that has the words "ACT" in bold letters across the front,  white skinny jeans, and my favorite white converse. I turn the water on and try not to freeze my arm off as I check the temperature. When it warms up I strip down to my birthday suit and step into my shower. While I lather my hair with my favorite lilac shampoo, I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my eyes.

"Shit!" I cursed. Leave it to me to wash my hair with my eyes open letting soap in my eyes. When I stick my hand out to grab a towel,  I slip and fall.

"Damn!" I stand up and giggle at the thought of me rolling around on the floor with purple suds in my hair. I stepped closer to the towel rack and I accidentally drop my favorite body wash. "Good Lord." I mumble as I pick it up and stand up straight,  I hit my head on the towel rack. "You've got to be kidding me!" Right after I cursed a string of profanities, I hurry back into the shower to rinse my hair.

I get out of the now freezing cold shower and dry off, throwing my hair up in a towel bun. I brush my teeth, wash my face and slip on my clothes before making my way back to my room to do my makeup.

I grab my foundation and squirt a little mixture of 2 different skin colors and swipe it on my face evenly. I put on eyeliner and mascara and a little bit of pink chapstick.

I then proceed to my closet to pull out my converse that match my tutu and my hair. I hurry and slip on my shoes and go back to the bathroom. I quickly brush through my long blue hair, blow dry it and pull back my bangs. Going to the kitchen, I grab my keys from my backpack and head out the door.

As I'm heading to school, I decide I'm hungry and I stop at a gas station for powdered donuts and a milk. I have about 45 minutes until school starts, so I'll just eat in my car here. Once I walk in and pick out my stuff I instantly fall into a day dream. . .

"I want you to be comfortable and I don't want to hurt you." Cameron said, propping himself above me with his elbows.

"please.. just do it.." I moaned.

"Ma'am.. are you okay? You were moaning so I thought you were hurt. I just came to check to see if you were okay. I- um- here's you're donuts... You dropped them." A wild boy appears from no where blushing like red was his natural face color.

"Thanks." I checked my phone to see how long I'd dozed off for and noticed I had as little as 15 minutes to get to class. "Oh my god! Shit! Shit! Shit!" I buy the milk and powdered donuts and sprint to my car. I tried turning it on, but it wouldn't start. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. There was soon a knock on my window.

"Need a ride?"

I hear a familiar voice and snap my head up instantly. "J-jacob?" I said with wide eyes.

"Hey, Abs." Jacob said with a small smirk plastered on his face. It's been so long since I last saw him. He left once he got accepted into TCU in Texas, USA.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Texas?" I asked curiously, jumping out of the broken down car.

"Yeah, I came here on my break for a few months, and I needed a job, so I got one at this..... gas station.. to pay my rent! Surprise!" I stared at him with my mouth wide open. "Can I get a hug?" He smirked.

"Oh my gosh!  That's amazing!" I jumped into his arms and attempted to squeeze the life out of him. "I hate to bother you on your-?"


"Third day back, but I have to get to class.. can you drive me? It's just a few minutes down the road" I said, bouncing up and down furiously.

"Sure, follow me m'lady" he grinned, bowed and held his hand up for me to take. I giggled and happily obliged.

"It's been so long. I still can't believe you're actually here" I said, climbing into the passenger side seat, glancing over at him.

"Yea I miss it here. Well I mean, I miss you, anyways" he chuckled. "So how's uni? Any new boyfriend I should know about?" He sounded nervous but it was Jacob, good ol' shy guy.

"Nah... But I do have my eye on someone"

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