chapter 1

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"So where is this guy?" Jacob asks while he walks me to class.

"He's in my drama class" we arrive at our destination and I smiled. "There he is. He's the one in the far left corner" I discretely pointed his way and giggled as he shook out his hair.

"That's the guy? Wow" Jacob scoffed and looked at me disapprovingly.

"I know right" I swooned at the sight of Cam.

"I didn't mean that in a good way but ok. I'll pick you up after school?" He offered.

"Not like I have a ride" I mentioned with a shrug.

"Ok, later" we hugged and he left leaving me no choice but to rejoin my educational values.


"What the crack is this?!" I yelled, gesturing to a massive painting of Cameron and I.

"I had it made just for you because I figured a small picture in a picture frame wasn't good enough" he said wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Aw I love it!! But they got my nose wrong, it's not that big is it?" I scrunched up my nose and tilted my head to show him.

"No, your nose is cute" he leaned down and pecked my nose. "You know I fuck you right?"

"What?" I say, as I hadn't heard him correctly before.

"I said, MS. JACKSON!" My elbow was knocked out from underneath my head causing my head to hit the desk with a thud.

"That wasn't necessary, Abigail. This is the 36th time this semester that you have fallen asleep in my class-"

"You kept count?" I said groggily, cutting him off as I finally adjusted to the bright light enough to look up at him.

"Irrelevant! You'll be staying after class to see what you can do to make up for it, but be aware I'm a busy man and it'll take awhile for me to get to your... Problem" he spoke like a true Shakespearean with his head high and a lot of body gestures.

"I'll be going back to sleep then" I said, but before he could scold me a paper plane hit him in the back of the head.

"Who threw that?!" He spun around and growled at Cameron's side of the room.

"I did sir but I meant for it to reach Carter" Cam said, surprising the whole class. That's right, Cameron Steele, mister goody two shoes, threw a paper airplane to me but ended up hitting the teacher. "You can read it if you want" he taunted.

"And give you the satisfaction of making a fool of me? I don't think so! You'll be staying after class as well mister Steele." Mr. Feltz said sternly, slamming the plane on my desk. "That was a warning. Do it again I might have to throw you out"

"It won't happen again sir" he gave Mr. Feltz a salute.

"Let's see that it doesn't. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted-" blah blah blah drama drama drama. The note!!


If you ever want to hang out I'm always in the lounge.

P.S. Don't be shy, I don't bite ;)


This can't be from Cameron... It's not from him... This is some sort of prank where I show up and he's not there and I get trashed on the internet with some stupid video of junk being dumped on me in the lounge.

But Cameron said himself that it was for me.

But what if he's in on the prank... He's never talked to me before. Whatever, I have plans with Jacob anyways.

I glanced over at Cameron and he was already staring. When he noticed I had looked up at him, he grinned and winked. Was that for me? Maybe I'm still daydreaming. I reached down and pinched myself really hard... Maybe a little too hard.

"OW!" I grimaced and held my arm.

"Problem. Ms. Jackson?" Mr. Feltz turned around and grit through his teeth.

"No I just pinched myself to er keep myself awake" I mentally face palmed.

"Glad to see it's working" his nostrils flared and he spun back around. Glancing back I noticed a smirking Harry and for some odd reason he was looking at me.


I try to sneak out behind some juniors but he still feels the need to keep me behind.

"Mr. Steele and Ms. Jackson. I do not appreciate your disruptions in class and so you'll be the two that direct this years screenplay of Romeo and Juliet-"

"But what if we wanted to star in it?" I interrupted.

"You'll have to fit in practicing on your own time and you'd have to get sponsors to judge you, naturally. But I'm doubtful of that because your schedules will be quite full. Good day" he finished, shooing us out.

"Ugh, why why why why why why?" I banged my head on the wall outside the classroom.

"You wanted to be in the play?" I spun around and Cameron was there with what looked like a script in his hands.

"Um... Yea but now I guess I'm directing it- well I mean we- we're directing it... Yea" I brushed away a side bang and smiled.

"Cool you should definitely go for it you're really good" he sent me a cheeky grin, poppin' dem dimples bein all cute and what not.

"Nah well I could I guess maybe sure why not" I rambled. Ugh I'm bad at this.

"Well hey I gotta go but you know where you can find me" he pats my arm and walks off.

"Right yeah okay sure see you later" I waved to his back. As if! Clearly he's trying to prank me I mean who goes from ignoring you all semester to suddenly being your friend as though you've known each other forever?

As much as I want to chase him I know better than that. Besides I already have a ride... That I forgot to call. Oops.

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