Chapter Two [Alex]

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Mr. Martin was a bastard.

He always decided what we did.

And I went along with it.

I had to,

whatever pays the bills.

I was ready to say no,

the word was perched on my lips,

at the mercy of my tongue

that could've pushed it out into the open.

He didn't take me seriously.

                               "Shut up bitch."

He slammed me, face down, into his pillows.

The harsh words rolled like wine from his velvet lips.

Everything about him was ironic.

He didn't give me a chance to protest,

not like it would've changed anything.

Alex's eyes were bloodshot and heavy lidded,

Almost sealed shut with dried tears.

Alcohol burned in her throat.

Her shoulders were sore, and the flesh there rubbed raw.

Blood dripped from between her legs.

He was a dangerous man.

Mr. Martin kneeled between her thighs, which were covered in a gruesome water coloring of bruises.

Messily smeared blues, purples and yellows from now, and previous assailants with strong grips and unshorn fingers.

Every cell in her body screamed for her to attack.

Or run.

But either way, she would've been a fool.

He was a dangerous man.

"Hey there Alex."

His pointy teeth glinted in the dim lighting.

The musty air made him squint.

Alex blinked, a small whine of protest escaping her throat.

Her words were glued to the back of her throat, choking her.

Mr. Martin tilted his head, his lips pouted mockingly.

"I can't hear you Alex, would you try to speak up a little?"

Tear of frustration pricked her eyes as a boiling fury reared its ugly head behind her abused breasts.

Her lips trembled as a barely enunciated hiss of speech finally arrived to her.

"I tried to say no."

Mr. Martin frowned at her audacity to disagree with him.

He was a dangerous man.

He also thought this one would be smart.

And as casually as one could, Mr. Martin inserted the barrel of a loaded gun into Alex's privates.

She immediately began thrashing about, fatigue gone, in an attempt to expel the foreign object, but he held firm.

"Let me ask you a question, Alex." He stated, only after her legs had stopped kicking.

"Are you religious?"

She met his eyes desperately, and, foolishly wanting to please him, Alex responded:

"Yes, yes I am. Yes, sir."

Nerves shined through her trembling voice.

With a sadistic laugh and a chilling, million-toothed grin, he leered at her.

"Well then, how could you even have considered denying God's greatest gift to mankind?"

Aching eyes widening, Alex, for the first time in close to ten years, prayed.

And with that, Mr. Martin yanked the trigger with his pointer finger, embedding the shining bullet deeper inside her than any foreign object should ever have gone.

She coughed Vermillion.

And thick, dark liquid oozed from her.

Mr. Martin licked some of it from upon her thigh, staining his tongue with a metallic flavor- not a nice taste.

The Crimson splatters would have left any art-enthusiast speechless.

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