Control - Simon Imagine

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A collab with @/minisideminter on Tumblr, check her out! [My Tumblr is wroetominter]

"Come on we need to get him inside" I looked over to Josh briefly as he helped me with Simon staggering over to the house.

"Inside your vagina" he voiced one of his 'awkward' laughs. The arrogant side of Simon was strong tonight; great, I realised as my eyes rolled back.

"You lot have had way too much to drink" I continued to help the drunken one whilst laughing.

"Stop acting like such a killjoy so have you" Simon stuck his tongue out as he hiccupped turning his head towards me, wrapping his snake like arm around my waist. I just shook my head. I wasn't going to lie, I enjoyed it. I just wished Simon did too.... when he wasn't so drunk.

I admitted to myself that I wasn't fully drunk, I was tipsy and on the edge of the boundary; however, one or two more will definitely send me over.

I looked behind to hear Vik and JJ paying for the taxi before running and opening the door for us.

We continued inside as we all sat around the table at the bar stools. "Another one?" Vik went over to the fridge before handing me another Kopparberg.

"I guess why not" I smiled simply at Vik whilst shifting in my seat.

"I can make you feel less uncomfortable and more pleasurable" Simon gently whispered in my ear, as his hand slowly glided to my inner thigh.

And so, the games begin. He had acted like this before but not as 'strong', although I would prefer him to continue this behaviour when he's sober because I'm certainly enjoying it... but after this night it would go back to normality of being friends.

My mind was in thought; is it because he's more confident and less shy or does he just not like me that way? I questioned him and myself, starting to feel slightly pissed off. But still, was I going to take it? Probably, if he continued!

Snapping back into reality I gave a stern instruction "Stop that" I smacked him on the arm.

"Wait what did he say?" a smirk played on JJ's face. I'm just glad no one noticed what he did.

"You don't want to know" I spat disgustedly.

"No wait yeah they should know" if looks could kill then Simon would be dead. He had a sly smile on his face as he continued his answer "I was just saying she looks cute in that little black dress of hers"

"Aww Simon thank you" I replied sweetly as I caught him eyeing me up.

The rest of them knew this wasn't true by my reaction this time. Thus, silence took a toll

This continued for everyone as we all took sips of forest fruits from the black cans we had in front of us.

That was, until I moaned softly as the silver headed boy put his cold hands up my back rubbing softly, it felt heavenly.

Although I had to break the tension so I squeaked up. "Honestly though I haven't had a good night out like that in ages thank you guys"

"No problem, I'm glad you've had a fun time" Simon winks at me as he leans closer "but you know the night isn't over just yet" continuing to speak softly of sweet nothing into my ear, yet not soft enough for people to not him.

"Ew guys get a room" Vik moaned.

"Nah I want to see them necking it on, my boys about to get some". JJ flicked his wrist and clicked his fingers.

"How do you know?" Josh intervened.

"Have you seen them?" JJ defended his argument.

The world went silent as I stared into his eyes, seeming like we were the only ones in this universe. Oh how I wanted him so badly. I could feel the wetness starting to pool in my underwear.

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