45. Menstrual Cup

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Yes, this thing must look strange unless you've heard of or seen a menstrual cup.

These things are made of medical grain silicone and collect at the....... GOOD STUFF.

Into it so it saves you from buying pads!

Which means less money in the long term.

Now, lets pretend that a bottle is your....... you know.

And it fits up like that and created a nice seal and there is no leaking.

It can even handle heavy flow for like, a while day.

Cus... Cus.... It goes with the flow, ya know?

How to use a menstrual cup:

1. Fold and hold. Always start by washing your hands.

2. Insert and ensure. As with tampons, gently insert the folded cup into your vagina, tilting back to the base of  your spine.

3. Use it up to twelve hours.

4. Remove and empty.

5. Re- insert.

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