Thank You

1.6K 21 1


I decided to see how the book was doing, and, much to my surprise, I have surpassed 500 reads and 100 votes. I just wanted to say thank you so so much. I literally thought this book was going to get maybe 25ish reads and you guys smashed it.

On another note, School is starting here in a week and I will be getting a laptop which means I'll be able to write more. And hopefully by Christmas I will be posting chapters of my new book. Also I am still looking for someone to design a cover or two. If you are interested DM me, plz.

And finally, if you ever have anything going on, feel free to DM me. I may not be a lot of help but if you just need to vent, let's talk.


OML 1k! One thousand people! This is crazy, thank you guys, girls, and nonbinary folks. I don't want to repeat my self too much, so everything in past author notes still stands. Covers and dms are always acceptable. I love you people and as always...

Remember: Stay Safe and Use Protection

Love y'all,


As I prepare to maybe publish a new book later tonight, I check this one and see two thousand people have read this. Thank you all so much. If you ever need anything DM's are open and waiting to be slid into. And as always:

Stay safe and use protection and eat something

Love, the one and only,

143k reads!! I can not believe that this story has that many reads and 1k votes it still just blows my mind. I love you all!

Stay Safe and Use Protection,
panicked 💙

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