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jonahmarais: hey...

pipsutton: hi...

jonahmarais: i'm really sorry about anthony. you don't deserve to be treated like that..

pipsutton: thanks... i think. i never know what to say when people say that

jonahmarais: haha so other than that... how have you been?... we haven't talked

pipsutton: i know... that's my fault i'm sorry.. i miss talking to you

jonahmarais: no no don't feel bad.. i made no effort to try to talk to you

pipsutton: i actually haven't been doing that well...

jonahmarais: sad about the breakup?

pipsutton: no actually... as weird as it sounds i'm kind of glad that it's over..

jonahmarais: why's that?

pipsutton: it wasn't a good relationship... tony was... abusive. not physically though, he would just yell at me a lot and call me names and stuff...

jonahmarais: why didn't you leave?

pipsutton: i just couldn't.. i couldn't bring myself to do it. i was scared... i don't even know why i'm telling you all this

jonahmarais: i always found it easy to talk to you

pipsutton: that explains it lol

jonahmarais: i'm sorry that he treated you badly Piper. you deserve the world and it breaks my heart that someone would treat you this way...

pipsutton: jonah...

jonahmarais: piper?

pipsutton: i miss you. i've missed you for months i'm sorry

jonahmarais: i miss you too

pipsutton: what are you doing tomorrow?

jonahmarais: going to lunch with you

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