Chapter 25: Expose

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"Omma? I'm hungry? My stomach hurts?" Ae-Cha asked pulling the blanket off me.

I woke up suddenly feeling the cold air on my bare skin, "you're hungry? I'll prepare you breakfast, but wait until mommy wash up?" I pecked her cheeks and left to the restroom.

As I was taking a long shower, I forgot to feed Ae-Cha yesterday night? 

I got into my new pair of clothes and head down the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Ae-Cha and the rest?

"Come eat!" 

"Okay omma, I'm coming?" Ae-Cha said coming down the stairs.

"Where's the others?" I mumbled before heading into their rooms. 

"I made breakfast, you guys should come eat before it gets cold?" 

"Okay Jisoo, we're coming?" they responded and opened up the door. 

I then went back to the kitchen and started eating, "omma? what will we be doing today?"

"Uh? I don't know sweetie, probably just staying home?" I smiled sheepishly. 

"Okay omma? I guess we'll stay home?" she responded sadly as she ate her breakfast quietly. 

I stared onto the floor for awhile until they came and made me jump a bit. 

"So Jisoo are you sure you don't want to hang with us, It'll be a lot of fun?" 

I looked up as they grabbed their breakfast... "I know, but I just don't want paparazzi's following us wherever I go? they be a pain in the butt?" 

"I mean were fine with it? Many fans do that to us anyways? There's no difference?

I let out a long sigh, "there is a difference? Paparazzi's ask many questions? I can't handle people talking to much, and asking me questions?" 

"Maybe you are right, but hey? They might not be a problem today? Come on Jisoo, just come? Please?

The members begged as they ate their breakfast, "It'll be no fun if you aren't there?" 

"Fine, I just hope they aren't coming today?" I smiled and ate my dinner slowly. 

"Omma? So are you going to the mall with them?" Ae-Cha put her plate to the side of the table. 

I nodded with a smile as I ruffled her hair, "yes we are Ae-Cha ah?" 

"Yay omma! I love you so much?" she pecked my cheeks and drunk her orange juice.

"Okay, but first you go get ready." I followed her up the stairs and took her a bath.  

"Omma, omma! I want to visit appa too?" Ae-Cha then started to splash water.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them back up, "I don't know Ae-Cha? Your dad is probably busy today?" 

"Jinja? Do you know what he's doing right now?" 

"I don't know sweetie? I think he is busy right now, but I don't know with what?"

After our conversation had ended, I got Ae-Cha ready for the mall. 

"Omma? When are we going to the mall?" 

"Uh, were going to the mall at 12:00?"

"Okay omma? But can we visit appa now? Please?" 

I then took Ae-Cha next door to visit Yoongi, the door then creaked open seeing Seolhyun in bra and panties.

"Ahem? excuse me, we came to visit Yoongi?" I stared onto the floor, not making contacts with her. 

❥Love Is Not Over (사랑은 끝나지 않는다) - Yoongi X JisooWhere stories live. Discover now