Chapter 16: Wasn't Lying

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Marley invited me to hang out at the club with her friends the next day. Of course I decided to go because I can just feel it that any day now we'll become official. She's been hinting at something more and yesterday as she was walking me to the door and we said our goodbyes I could feel her wanting to be closer.

And honestly, if she gets drunk I'm positive I'll learn what she's feeling.

Getting ready, I wear a mesh top with a black tank top underneath. I have skinny jeans and black ankle boots on the bottom to make me feel taller. As I'm getting ready all I can think about is what will happen tonight. If only her friends weren't coming too, then it could be just us. I wish she could just tell me what's on her mind. Why she gives me that mysterious look when we're alone. I want to know her secrets but maybe it's too soon.


I meet Marley and her friends at the club and it's obvious they're already tipsy. The music is loud and upbeat, giving me a positive vibe. I feel confident and sexy here. What happened last time I was here creeps into my mind but I push the intrusive thoughts away. As I get closer to them, Marley greets me with a big smile and a quick hug. I quickly forget about my insecurities.

"Hey Echo! Glad you could make it." She tells me. Her friends greet me with similar phrases and we all settle down at the bar. I'm sitting down next to Marley as she offers to get me a drink.

"I'll just have a margarita. I don't want to get too tipsy. I actually have to drive home this time." I tell her. She waves over a bar tender and soon enough I am sipping on citrus and tequila. She's joking with her friends and I laugh along but I still feel out of place with them. The age difference is always weird. They're all in their early twenties and I'm still in high school. I'm surrounded by teenagers and assignments all day while they're surrounded by music and care-free fun. Marley turns to me and smiles as she pulls my hair away from my neck. I get chills at her gentle touch. The way she is looking at my skin and glancing into my eyes makes me feel like she's up to something.

Before I know it, her lips are on my neck and her hands are around my waist. I don't know what she's doing but I like it. I close my eyes for a moment but remember we are in public so I look up at her friends who are smiling at us.

One of them, Josh I think, pipes up and says "I fucking knew it" before laughing with the others. Marley stops to look into my eyes with amusement and I feel embarrassment burn in my face. I glare at her questioningly and she just casually places her hand on my thigh. I have to be honest, the way she's acting is turning me on a bit. She's confident in what she's doing.

She turns to her friends and laughs too. "See? I told you guys I wasn't lying." I have no idea what she "wasn't lying" about but I really want to know. I grab her hand to take it off of my thigh and tell her to look at me.

"What aren't you lying about?" I question her while biting my lip to become desirable. She smirks at my attempt and arches her eyebrow.

"Nothing that concerns you." She speaks confidently in a matter-of-fact tone and looks over my body. She's irresistible but I have to stay strong and play the part. Without any time to process it, Marley cups my face and kisses my lips which makes me quiver. She parts our lips but stays close to my face, staring into my eyes and smirking. She moves back to an upright position and high fives Josh.

"Marley what the hell? You can't do stuff like that. I'm not just a toy for you to show off to your friends." I feel suddenly offended that she's using me like this.

Marley gives me a cocky look as if saying "oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" It's really sexy honestly. She knows its affect on me and chuckles in amusement.

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