You cheated!!??

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Paola: Stef I'm bored
Stef: me to... *Looks up*
Paola: what are you thinking of?
Dainalys: I know what's she's thinking
Stef: your thinking what I'm thinking *Smirks*
Paola: cheating prank
Dainalys: yesss
Stef: but with who ..?
Paola: I know...
Stef: who??
Paola: *Whispers* my cousins
Stef:Jan and Jonathan ??
Paola: yes call them
*Stef calls Jonathan to tell them about the prank*
Stef: hey Jonathan
Jonathan: what's up
Stef: yeah we need help for this prank that we're doing in our boyfriends can you come over
Jonathan: ok alone or?
Stef: come with Jan
Jonathan: address ??
Stef: is ***************
Jonathan: ok see you there *Hangs up*

*3 minutes later they come *

Jonathan: here hey Paola and Stef and dainalys
Jan: what do you need help with.?
Paola: we need to prank our boyfriends
Jonathan: a cheating prank
Dainalys: yes what you said
Jonathan: so what are we gonna do
Stef: so me and Paola are gonna sit on top of you so I be on top of Jan and Paola on top of Jonathan and yeah we make fake moans lol

*You guys get on top of each other waiting for beau and Luke and jai to come*

Stef: *Hears door open and moans *
Jai: Omg! Bro wtf!!!!
Luke: yooooo
Beau; um holy shit!
Stef: Jai it's not what it looks like
Paola: we swear
Jai: are you fucking kidding me! *Gets close to Jan*
Paola: it's a prank Luke and jai
Jai: *Does not hear it * bro Ima beat your *Gets cut off *
Jai: yeah right
Stef: look *Shows the camara behind him*
Jai: oh *Junps on the bed * damn you got us good
Luke: I was about to get so mad !
Paola: we're sorry we were bored
Stef: babe just know I will never cheat on you
Paola: yeah same
Jai: don't do that again please
Stef: I won't *Kisses you*

Paola:"I'm sorry for making you think that I was cheating I will never do that my prince!"
Luke:"Its ok just please don't ever do that prank again!"
Paola:"I promise" putting her arm around Luke
Luke:"FUCK I love you too much to be mad at you your eyes are so beautiful!"
Paola:"You are to amazing!"giggling
Jai:"Babe do you like it in Australia?"
Stef:"Kind of just to much drama! But I love it because you are there!"
Jai:"I love you!"
Stef:"Love you more"
Jonathan:"Jai can I talk to you?"
Jonathan:"Yo so take Paola and stef to this hunted cemetery they will be so scared"
Jan:"This is a way to get them back for today"
Jai:"Wait let me get Luke over here! *Runs to Luke* Paola can I borrow my brother real quick"
Luke:"What's up"
Jai:"Let's prank the girls "
Luke:"Ok what is the prank going to be!"
Jan:" it's actually not a prank it's just a way to scare the shit out of them!"
Jonathan:"Theres this hunted cemetery and at night its very fucking creepy we we'll right scary things so it can scare the shit out of them ok!"
Luke:"Ok let's do it" I have a ouija board but it's fake so we can sacred the shit out of them *Winks*
Jai." Ok *Goes to the girls* Guys so there is this hunted cemetery let's go and look for gosht!"
Stef:"Really at what time"
Jai:"Around 2:30am!"
Luke:"Yep are you guys in!"
Paola:"I'm in!"
Stef:"sure but I'm bringing a knife or a bat to protect myself"
Jai:"😂 ok"

*At midnight *

Jai: ready girls
Paola: hell yeaaa
Stef: *Rolls eyes * I guess
Jai: I'm here for you know
Paola: pussy
Stef: I'm not and I'm gonna show you all that I'm not a pussy ok *Walks into the cemetery alone*
Jai: *Raises an eyebrow *
Paola: lets go guys
Luke: *Brings the ouija board*
Stef: why the fuck are we using thiss
Jai: to find ghost
Stef: right

*We put some candles and the ouija board *
Luke: so who wants to ask first?
Paola: mee
Luke: ok go
Paola: is there any spirits in this area right now? *Looks at stef*
*Jai moves the planchette to yes*
Paola: holy shitttt
Stef: why are we doing this ..
Luke: cmon don't be scared *Smirks*
Jai: ok who's next ?
Stef: me I guess
Stef: what's your name
Luke: *Moves the planchette *
Ouija: J
You guys: *Says j*
Ouija: E
You guys: *Says E*
Ouija: S
You guys : *Says S*
Ouija: S
You guys: *Says S again*
Ouija: I
You guys: *Says I*
Stef: is jessi
Jai: ok who's next
Luke: me
Luke: how old are you?

*Jai moves the planchette to 10*
Paola: omg is a little girl
Stef: can I go again?
Jai: yes Babe
Stef: how did you die ?
Jai: *Moves the planchette *
Ouija: S
You guys: *Says S *
Ouija: U
You guys: *Say U *
Stef: suicide! She became suicide *Looks at Jai schoked* is it?
Jai: *Moves the planchette to yes*
Stef: omg guys lets stop now!
Jai: wait! Lets play more! Please
Stef: 2 more and done Jai!
Paola: I want to ask!
Paola:can you tell us how you died?
Luke: *Moves the planchette to no*
Stef: guys it's pissed lets just go..
Luke: omg Jai are you ok
Jai: *Acts possessed*
Stef: JAI OMG BABE *Starts to cry*
Luke: *Gets dragged by Jonathan *
Paola: AHH LUKE!!
Jai: *Fake passes out*
Paola: omg guys lets go! *Starts to freak out*
Luke: *Laughs*
Jai: *Stands up* I'm sorry *Laughs*
Jonathan: heyy
Jan: are u ok? Hahha
Stef: *Still crying* that's not funny you guys! Fuck you
Jai: babe I'm sorry! We needed to get you back
Stef: well not me Paola did it too!
Luke; yeah we prank you guys back haha I'm sorry
Jai: im sorry for real
Stef: is that ouija board real! Jai we can't mess with that shit!
Luke: is not real me and jai we're just moving it! We made it all up! 😂😂😂
Paola: I hate you guys
Luke and Jai: we love you too
Stef: *hugs jai* I love you
Jonathan : love birds lol!
Paola: Shup up!

So I hope you like this new story! Bye lol

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