mental hospital rp

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Shaii Williams19MaleGayNo one really understands why Shaii is like this

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Shaii Williams
No one really understands why Shaii is like this. He never speaks, unless through writing, but he has been seen speaking to others who he trusts. He can't be alone anywhere (he has a stuffed cat for this reason) unless you want him to start crying and screeching, and don't try to talk about his past with him either because hes been known to hurt people if they ask.

Shaii is frail and delicate. He has spotless skin and its smooth and soft, kind of like porcelain. His hair is bleached out blonde that reaches his waist, usually pulled back in a messy, tangled braid. His eyes are a sparkly blue when happy and they seem to dull when hes sad.
He wears a worn blue hoodie and black pants, with galaxy converse. He as four piercings on each ear and a nose ring on his right nostril.

Shaii is very timid. He doesn't like others, just his friends (who don't exist, they're imaginary) and he really likes his little white kitten plushie named winter. He sleeps a lot and he doesn't eat and he likes being alone. Hes scared of many things, but doesn't like talking about that.

He came from a bad family. His dad drank, his sister was always having sex somewhere and his mom did a lot of drugs. Eventually the sister was killed after selling herself off, and the dad drank himself to death, and the mother beat him every day because she thought he was useless. She dropped him off here because of the way he acted around others and died a few days later due to overdose.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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