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Alex wakes up and smashes her alarm clock to bits

"Ugh.Not again!This is the third one this month."

"Morning sleeping beauty"says my step brother, Blake.

"Mornin'"I said.

"Damn!Why'd you break the alarm clock!?"Blake asked me.

"I dunno,instinct,I guess."I said.

"That was the third one I bought you this month!"Blake yelled.

"Sorry"I said rolling my eyes.


I jumped out the window and slid down the pipe.

"3"blake shouted.

"2!"He said again.

"1,That's it!I',M COMING FOR YOUUUUU!"Blake yelled from the room.

I ran into the woods behind our house and I heard Blake's heavy footsteps behind me.I looked behind me and he was catching up fast.I ran even faster and took a turn.I realised I couldn't hear him anymore.I knew I was lost.I sat on a rock.I thought about my life achievements.

"Wow, what a way to start my first day,I already managed to get lost and I wasn't even in the school yet."

I sighed and put my hands over my face.I heard a twig snapping,before I turned and saw Blake.Before I could say anything,he tackled me and we went rolling down a hill and ended up in our backyard.

"You better get ready before you get late"Blake said.


I went back into the house and showered I prepared my self and as soon as I  was done,I rushed downstairs.I heard a car hooting outside.

"Alex,get out here NOW!"Blake yelled waiting for me in the car

"I haven't even had breakfast yet" I yelled waving my right hand in the air and pouring milk into the bowl with the other.

"I'll get you chipotle on the way to school".Blake said.


"YES! Now get in the car"Blake said

When I looked down I noticed that I had spilled milk all over Blake's laptop.I gasped and put my hands down and I ran to the car.I decide to act like there was nothing wrong.

I wasn't a very good actor so I was smiling like cheshire cat.We stopped quickly at the chipotle across school.

I was just about to get out of the car when he stopped me and asked,"Hey Alex are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well, it has to do with the fact that you're smiling menacingly."

"Actually,you see the thing is,"

"Yes?"He asked curiously.

I opened the car door I waited until I was standing outside the car.


I took off running.


I ignored Blake and kept on running.I stopped near a place with grass when I saw Blake running towards me.I was about to turn around and I slammed into a hard chest.I got knocked down and instead of me being tackled by Blake,he tackled a buff looking guy I had seen him last him last year.His name was Walter he was a jock and had girls on his tail especially,marie,the school slut.

I looked at the two on the ground.Blake looked confused.They were lying on top of each other.

"School's new couple I see"I said smirking.

"Alex,shut the hell up"Blake said.

Blake stood up and offered his hand to Walter.Walter took hold of Blake's hand.He pulled Walter's hand and Walter shot up and was suspended in the air.

"Dang!You're strong"I told Blake.

"Don't you change the subject!"Blake yelled at me.

"Well I wouldn't have done it If you didn't chase me into the woods making me late for school"

"Okay it was partly my fault so we'll split it even"

"Okay I'll pay half for a new laptop"

"Cool,see you at home ,Lex"Blake said.

Blake turned to Walter,they glared at each other.I heard a low growl coming from their chests.I raised an eyebrow and broke the silence by clearing my throat.Blake looked at me and smiled and off,he went.

I watched Blake run back to his car.Every girl was eyeing him.I rolled my eyes.

I turned around to see Walter staring at me.

"Uh can I help you with something"I asked.

"Uh no, thanks"He said smiling.

"Okay bye"I said.

I made my way to class and  sat at the back.I wasn't really an extrovert because I was bullied a lot for I don't even know what so I just avoided any human contact possible.

Walter's POV

Aha!Room B146 This was it!

I walked into class and every girl except this one girl in the corner at the back was staring at me.A lovely scent filled my nostrils.It was vanilla and coffee.It came from the same girl who was at the back.I went and sat down next to her.I poked her to get her attention.She looked at me with a glare.It was that boy's sister.She was a werewolf but she seemed not to know anything about werewolves.Aside from that,she was beautiful.She had blueish grey eyes and pink lips and pearly white teeth.She wore glasses and made they made her look like the cutest nerd I had ever laid eyes on.

"What?"She asked.

"Oh I was just saying hi"

"Okay hi, are we done here?"She asked.

"Not really,what's your name?"

"Alexa but you can call me Alex"

"Okay then Alex, how comes i've never seen you around before?"

"Maybe because of the fact that you have a fortress of horny girls who are more than willing to get in your pants?"

"Okay I see ,you're the hostile type"

"Oh no you got me all wrong,I'm the, sarcastic bitch that everyone bullies but is really sweet once you get to know her"

"Hmm then maybe I could get to know you more?"

"I think not!You're like a walking girl magnet and I don't really wanna know a selfish jerk who only cares about the number of girls that hit on him and how many ounces of cologne he drenches himself in.Plus,it would be sad to be caught dead with a living breathing STD"

"Dang that hurt!"

"And there's a lot more where that came from so if you don't mind,class is starting"

"Wow,some mate"I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Uh nothing.Look,I know I have done a lot of stupid things but this year i'm changing to be a better person.I just want us to be friends and nothing more"

"Okay I guess.Based on the fact that you haven't already attacked a girl with your penis I might just be willing to be your friend but you only have today and tomorrow"

"Thanks I won't fail you"

"You had better not"Alexa said.

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