The worker starts walking towards the direction of violet, Ken and Casidy, until he come up to Mrs matthews, packing the puma boot with all of ken's recently acquired goods. "can I help you?". There's a dull thump as Mrs matthews unconscious body hits the ground, leaving a trail of blood and open chocolates. He was careful to ensure no screams, he has been forced to be careful all his life.
He reaches down and picks up her 15stone body and dumps her in the boot, slamming the door down hard on her.
He opens the driver door, and he gets to work on the 3 inside.Ken, violet and cassidy all strap in, the 2 friends chat away about boys girls, who did what and what happened to who and other generic gossip, whilst cassidy just straps in and puts the radio to BBC news. In 5 minutes, cassidys attention is grasped with a thick thump from the bump,almost similar to a car boot slamming. Cassidy thinks that, but wonders, at the sight of a bag fallen over with chocolate spilled out.
Cassidys taken over by a wave of fear. Whatever, or whoever, had presumably dumped Mrs Matthews body was still there, she hadn't heard or saw anyone leave from behind of the car, she hadn't seen anyone dump Mrs Matthews body either. She said she'll only be 5 minutes, that was 15 ago. It only took the other 2 from realising something was wrong.
Even more so when an unknown man climbed into the drivers seat of the car and pulled a cloth over his face.Ken and violet take notice of the man in the car now, taking notice of his messy hair but pressed suit, taking into account all the 2 can manage in the minutes before they are plunged into drug addled darkness. "hush now children, ill take care of you for him"
The man lazily slumps into the soft hard leather chair and scratches his nose with the edge of the mask. He is certain, almost positive he has done everything needed to make his dream goal. "soon my love. Soon you'll feast upon youth and return a new and fresh from the wombs of the dead"
He stars the ignition and drives off with the girls too their new and last home.