
26 1 5

This is a favorite of mine. you just pick seven random numbers. They have to be one digit numbers. (Example: 0, 3, 6, 7, 2, 9, 5) Anyways, Let's begin!

Have you chosen your numbers? If you haven't, do it now, before you see the answers!

Ok, now that you have your numbers, here are the answers!

Fur/ Pelt Color:

0: White


2: fiery orange

3: golden

4: blue-gray

5: gray

6: tortoiseshell

7: black

8: brown

9: tawny

Eye Color:

0: Silver

1: red

2: amber

3: yellow

4: green

5: blue

6: purple

7: white or blind

8: hazel

9: black

Special Ability: 

0: fast

1: strong

2: balanced

3: agile

4: more stamina

5: swim very well

6: gets hungry/thirsty slower

7: climb very well

8: jump high

9: quick- thinking

First Name:

0: Water

1: fire

2: grass

3: honey

4: fern

5: sky

6: moon

7: dew

8: bramble

9: tree


0: cloud

2: willow

3: bracken

4: thorn

5: slash

6: river

7: blaze

8: rain

9: stone

Second Name: 

0: pool

1: claw

2: tail

3: wing

4: feather

5: shine

6: fur

7: pelt

8: fang

9: wind


0: heart

1: flight

2: whisker

3: jaw

4: eye

5: nose

6: foot

7: sun

8: patch

9: ear


0: Dark Forest

1: Starclan

2: Tribe of Rushing Water

3: Thunderclan

4: Riverclan

5: Shadowclan

6: Windclan

7: Loner

8: Rogue

9: Kittypet

Details (any color you want):

0: none

1: patches

2: speckles

3: stripes

4: muzzle and paws

5: any detail

6: belly

7: dots

8: none

9: any detail

Make sure to comment what you got! If you liked it, make sure to drop a vote! Go to the next part to see more generators! I'm Willowfoot, a tortoiseshell she-cat with darker speckles and green eyes. She's a quick-thinking Riverclan cat.

Warrior Cat Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now