Chapter One

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Elizabeth's POV:

Growing up I moved from place to place, I'd say I've never really had a home. It was just me, my mom and my dog Charlie, they were my home. My dad left at an early age for some whore named Tracy so it's always been just us.

My mom didn't have the best of luck when it came to jobs so whenever she could catch her next big break, that's where the road would take us.

She had always been there for me so it was something I could do for her.

We've been to countless cities and we never really stay long enough to make anything worth lasting, but sitting in this small car now while my mom shouts the words to living on a prayer by Bon Jovi, I'm praying this will be the last!.

I've  been in this car for 6 hours, 6 hours and at this point I have lost all feelings in my legs, jeans was the wrong move but that's my bad.

I look over to my mom with her big goofy grin as the song comes to an end. "Lizzy come on lighten up, let your hair hang down we're moving baby" my mom says, I roll my eyes,

"woohoo moving day baby" I say sarcastically. I know she's excited and I'm really trying but at this moment in time I'm to tired to care.

"Come on mom it's probably some small neighbourhood full old people and pervs what is there to get excited about?". 

She looks at me and laughs "Elizabeth Maggie Turner would please stop being such a Debbie downer and smile, I know the last couple of places weren't that great..."

"Yeah like the small town that we lived in last year, were are neighbours sunbathed naked constantly and they would ask us to join sometime you know for some quality bonding time or how our last apartment had a hint of a cheese smell whenever it got hot, or how about..." .

"Ok that's enough, as I was saying I know we haven't had the best time but, I feel it in my gut Lizzy this ones it, this is the one that's gonna stick" she says and finishes with a big toothy grin and turns back to driving.

I give up any argument that I had and decided better not to say anything and ruin the mood. It's not like I've haven't heard my mom say oh Lizzy this ones gonna stick, oh Lizzy will be here forever!, oh Lizzy it feels like home.

I have and yeah it stings when it comes to an end but she's all I've ever known and looking out on to this dirt track we call a road, I'm just praying that my moms right and this is the one.

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