Larry Nepp

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Prince Larry Nepp of the Newman Kingdom was not happy. He had just found his sister, fell in love with someone who wanted to rule a different kingdom, and lost both of them in one week. So needless to say, the boy felt bad. He was staying at the Riffin castle for the time being. As soon as Laney got married to Corey, he would head home and tell his mother and father all about what happened. They would be devastated.

But he guessed it was okay, now that he thought about it.

Larry helped Laney and Corey plan their wedding. He helped with the invite list, gave the best advice he could, and gave the orders to the right people. He also avoided Carrie the best he could. Since Trina was friends with Mina, Carrie got to stick around for the events. She was still bitter about losing Corey to Laney and was rarely seen around the castle. Laney was nervous when she saw the girl out and about anyways.

Larry had a lot of time to think about the past couple months. Waiting had became something he was fantastic at. An example was currently when he was waiting for the Kagami twins to arrive back. He remembered when they left; it was such a hard time around the castle. Laney was upset almost as much as Kin was. Larry hated to see her like that; Corey was the same. Now that they were returning, Larry wondered how certain people were going to act. He stood at the front gate for what seemed like an hour before the carriage finally showed up. The twins got out and looked around. Konnie still seemed to be amazed.

"Welcome back," Larry said. Kim smiled at him.

"Thanks for welcoming up back," She told him, "Now, where to?" Larry helped them get their things into the castle and into the room the twins would be sharing. Then he lead them into the planning room. Before they entered, Larry knocked on the door.

"It's us," He called.

"It's unlocked!" Laney's voice call.

"Don't allow others in girl! This is important!" Larry and the twins heard as they walked in. The twins gasped at Laney in her not so finished wedding dress.

"It's beautiful already!" Kim commented. The seamstress slightly blushed as she continued to work on the dress. 

"Close the door!" One of the other girls who stood in the room huffed, "Corey will see the dress at this rate! We'll have to get another seamstress!" Larry slightly smiled as he turned to Kim and Konnie.

"Girls this is Candy Jams. She's helping us plan on Trina's orders," Candy frowned at her introduction.

"Pink or blue?" She asked Laney. This was the first time Larry noticed how tired his sister looked. He sighed as she sighed as well.

"Blue," She responded, "It'll match Corey's hair and it's not to girly," Larry could tell Candy wanted her to say pink. Candy rolled her eyes as she jotted that down. Trina watched from her seat in the back next to Mina. After a while of bickering and poking they switched Laney's outfit out. Larry, of course, turned so he wouldn't see his sister in such a way. Laney automatically went over to the twins right after, "It's so great to see you again!" She said as she pulled them into a hug, "Sorry I couldn't say hi right when you came in. This has me kind of stressed out," Kim smiled.

"Don't worry about it," The twins hugged her back, "It'll be fine Laney! You're getting married!" She smiled.

"Yeah," She said, "I am," Larry watched the three with a smile on his face. Laney motioned for him to join in their hug. He shook his head no before being pulled in. Candy rolled her eyes before walking past them and out of the room with the others. They had already hid the dress. After a couple minutes, Larry, Laney, and the twins headed to the dinning hall, "Between us," Laney started, "I don't like Candy at all," The twins started to laugh and soon the two red-heads joined in.

"I didn't want to tell you," Kim said betwen laughs, "But I didn't like her as soon as I look at her," They entered the dinning hall where Corey's family was already sitting in. Laney walked right over to Corey and sat next to him. He smiled at her and took her hand in his. Larry sat on the other side of the table. He watched his sister, wondering how much more she could take. Yeah Corey was helping with the planning, but there was so much more on the female when people got married. Candy just made it worse. Larry could tell she didn't like Laney. His sister looked up and smiled at him; Larry slightly smiled back before servants came into the room with that day's meal.

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