Chapter 1

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My parents were never home. I always had to stay at a friends house or something of the sorts. Even though they were never there for me, they were always lecturing me over the phone. Don't do this, don't do that. Your going to be in trouble when we get home, Jason. Like they'll actually do anything. They don't care about me at all. When they say that they are going to 'punish me,' they actually mean that they would do something but their too far away and they'll forget about it before they come home. If they come home.

It was just a normal day that day. A day like every other. But something felt off... like someone was watching me. Obviously I had already looked all over, around the house that I was staying at inside and out. If you couldn't tell already, I like to take precautions. I did this more times than I can count, but I found absolutely nothing. Must be my imagination, I thought to myself as I walked upstairs to get my phone out of my friends room. I reached out towards the handle of the door, but something stoped me from opening it. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing, and there were goosebumps on my arms. Something was off. But, against my better judgment, I decided to open the door anyways, deeming my phone more important that my own well being. But as soon as I opened that door, I know that I made a grave mistake.

There it was again, standing in the corner of the dark room. It's glowing maroon eyes staring at mine as if it can read my every thought. I walk closer to the creature, forgetting what I originally came in the room to get. I reach out towards the creature, and then I blinked. Not even a millisecond had gone by, but when I had opened my eyes again, it was gone. But what was it? Why was I here again? I couldn't remember...

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