Chapter 1

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Lias (POV)

     Ring Ring Rin---
     I threw my alarm clock to the floor. And I growled getting out of bed I was pissed I did not want to go to school at all just got my braces and now I'm not in the mood. I walked to my closet and grabbed my pink pink crop top and my blue high waisted jeans (shown above) and changes into them. I walked in the bathroom and did my hair (above) and my makeup. I walked downstairs and grabbed my gray pink bag along with my iPhone 8 and school stuff. I walked in the garage and grabbed my pink helmet and walked to my white crochrocket. I put my bag on and my helmet and started my rocket. I rode to school AMD parked it.

     I walked to my locker and out of the corner of my eye I see this hot looking guy likereally hot he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and waved. I walked to my class and saw Destiny.

     "Omfg smile" She said grabbing my face. I smiled. "Do u like them" She said. "Hell to the no I fudging hate them" I said. "Why" She said confused. "Cause they hurt I can't eat food like all of my favorite food can't have can't kiss other guys with braces" I said. "Did u mean the last part" She said smirking. "No I didnt mean it I'm saving my first kiss unlike you" I said giggling. She rolled her eyes and sat next to me.

     I looked around and saw the new guy walk in I about choked when I did. He went up to the teacher and sat down right behind me I about screamed. The bell rang.

     "Alright students please welcome the new student Cameron" She said. Cameron is such a hot name for him. He just waved and class began.


School ended and I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff and walked outside. There was this charcoal black rocket sitting next to mine. I was curious of who's it was I put my helmet on and Cameron walked out and went to the rocket next to mine. I started mine and sat there for a second starring at him.

     "Are u just gonna stare at me" He said grinning. "uh uh yes no shit no I wasn't sorry hot I'm mean Cameron" I said I did such a fucking stupid move right there he laughed. I started my thing and speed down the road to my house.

     I got inside and ran in my room and threw myself on the floor and pounded my hands and feet on the ground. I heard my phone buzz. I sat up and looked at it.

~~~~~~~~Unkown~~~~~~~(Lia=L Camron=C)
U- Hey want to Meet
L- who is this
U- cameron
L- where do u want to meet
L-sure I guess
C- great see you at 5:30 then

I got up and grabbed my string backpack that said "If u can read this back the fuck up" and put my phone wallet and a couple random things and left. I rode on my rocket and so did Cameron cause when I got there I saw it sitting there I parked mine next to his and walked inside. I saw him sitting at a table and I walked over there.

     "Hey"I sad sitting down. "Hey" he said eyeing my bag. "Take a picture it'll last longer" We both laughed. "So what do u want" He asked. "A unicorn frappe" I said. "Ok" He said walking away to the register.

     I sat there alone for about 10 minutes and waited for him to bring back the drinks. He walked back and sat down and brought me my drink. He stared at his coffee and then looked at me his beautiful eyes looked into mine and made my heart go 90 miles an hour.

     "Can I ask you something" He said. "Sure" I said. "Will you go out with me" He asked. "C-cameron we barely know each other"I said. "So I don't care" He said with sweetness. Oh Lord.
Dun dun dun cliffhanger.

OK so here's the deal I will update every Monday until this is done and if I dont the next day I will update saying why and try to make it up to you guys. So ya hopefully you guys lime it so far and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee😉😁😘😍😂❣

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