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Author's Note | FAQ | Cast

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Hey guys, welcome to my new story Darker Than Sin. I hope you enjoy reading this story, as much as I am enjoying writing it!

Darker Than Sin is now part of the Wattpad Paid Stories Program. I know that this is a controversial topic amongst the community, but please listen to what I have to say.

Writers spend hours upon hours writing, drafting, editing. To be offered the opportunity to earn from this is a dream come true. There are a lot of writers out there, like me, who have to work ginormous hours to pay for rent, put food on the table and to simply survive. Writing is pretty much the only thing I'm passionate about and every day I wish I could make it a career. This program is putting writers one step closer to their dream.

I've spent many years producing content that is available to be viewed for free because it's what I love to do (I've spent seven years writing exclusively on Wattpad and providing free content for readers around the globe). I love trying to plan what's going to happen next. I love creating characters, scenes, drama in my head. It's come to the point that I can't focus at work because all I think about is writing and what I'm planning next. I've also just enrolled in university to try and further my writing career.

I have reached out to a number of you to discuss this program before I joined. I wanted to explore people's opinions. The main concerns I discovered were not having any warning that the story they're reading is becoming a part of the program and that their country is unable to access them. When I was approached, I raised these points. I was told that I can make an announcement (I was so happy about that!) and also that the geolock has now been removed, meaning everywhere and everyone can now access the Paid Stories. Another bonus is I've dis-enrolled in the Futures Program which means you can now view all my other stories (there are a lot of them and they are still free!) and not have to view video ads.

Now, I know there are a lot of you out there that don't have income or simply can't afford to pay for books and I completely understand because I know what it's like living week to week, barely being able to afford groceries. This is how I live a lot, which is a reason why being offered to be a part of this program is so important to me. Being paid to do something I love is a dream come true. I know young teenagers who don't have to support themselves won't truly understand this until they're at this stage in life, but I do hope you can try to understand as best as you can.

Wattpad has been an incredible journey for me. Before discovering this website, I had never written a completed novel before. Now, I have several and I have people who enjoy reading what I have to say. It's truly amazing. Since joining Wattpad I have grown so much as a writer and I still have a long way to go, but I feel like I'm on the right track.

Having this story become a part of the Paid Program means you can read, for free, up to a certain point and then once you reach this point, it will cost money to continue. By paying to finish the story means you are directly supporting me as a writer, bringing me closer to living my dream. Thank you endlessly if you decide that this story is worth it.

I really hope you're able to enjoy this story and I hope you enjoy reading all my other stories as well, which are available to read for free.


FAQ: When do you update?

Answer: I update, unless there are unforeseen circumstances that prevent me, once a week (generally twice if I can). I work full time (8am to 5:30pm) each day, so I just update whenever I can, I don't have a schedule.

FAQ: What country is this story set in?

Answer: I am Australian, therefore this story and any other story I write or have written, is based in Australia. And yes, we have different laws and we may have a different way of life to you - I'm writing what I know. Examples include; weather difference, time zones, school times/length, driving sides, slang words etc.

FAQ: Do you do translations?

Answer: No. I'm sorry but I cannot do translations of any of my stories due to publishing copyright agreements.

FAQ: Where do I send a cover I made?

Answer: You're amazing if you do! Please send it to me via my email: laurenj.22@hotmail.com or you can send it to me via Instagram: laurenj_22


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Follow my social media accounts are below! (Fastest way to message me is Instagram):

Follow my social media accounts are below! (Fastest way to message me is Instagram):

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Happy reading!



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