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Soul Pov


"Uhhhhh I'm going too prison real soon aren't I well at least I'm gonna at least find some friends I think"."Goodmorning Soul ready for school". "You mean prison that won't let you out until 7 hours have passed yep sure I'm totally ready" I said rolling my eyes and groan. I go put on a anime shirt which is a black butler and regular black jeans. I go down stairs and go and grab breakfast which is cup of noodles open it up then left it at the counter and boiled a teapot on the stove.

Then we wait
Then waited again
Then you got bored and sat at the couch speaking with wolfie. "Hey do you think they will except me in the team. I said looking at the grey and white fur kwamii."I don't know soul but they are gonna have too". You sigh then heard the teapot blowing loudly and got up turned off the stove picked up the teapot poured it in the cup and settled it on the stove again.

(Timeskip when you are no walking too your so called school)

I'm now walking too the school and rambling about school and prison similarities but once I reached the school i got a bad feeling once I enter. But any way I stood there like a idiot then someone got out of a limo and stopped behind you and tapped your shoulder too see Adrien guy from the bakery."Hey Soul I see you a bit lost hmm want me too show you around too the principle office too get your schedule". You notice how adorable and cute he was up close so you blushed and nodded and walked in school.

Adrien Pov

When me and Soul walked in I notice how cute he was and handsome he is and he even looks like he is in my league. When we were walking too the principle we notice he wasn't there but a schedule and note saying.

Dear Soul Lycan
I am sorry I could not meet you in person but all I want too say is have a great time in my school and stay out of trouble and have a great year.

Sincerely Principle Damacoles

I took the schedule and and looked at his classes.

Math 1st period

Art 2nd period

French litteriture 3rd period

Lunch period

Science 4th period

Fashion class 5th period

Language arts 6th period

Violin 7th period

" Well we have all the same classes instead of 7th period so I'll show you too your first classroom right now". "Thanks Adrien for taking me too my classroom he smiled at me and I could feel heat running too my cheeks and turn away and walk too class. What have you've done too me Soul.

Soul Pov

Once adrien pulled me in class and he went too sit in his seat while I stood next too the teacher."Ok students we have a new student here please introduce yourself please. I had too introduce my self so I took a deep breath "My name is Soul Lycan I like reading,violin,and wolves I hope we can all be friends. I smiled and some smiled some squeal for some reason but didn't care."Ok then Soul go too Nathaniel in the back of the classroom". She pointed too a red hair in the back and you nodded and walked too the back. You sat down next too the boy who was sleeping on his sketchbook and you chuckled on how cute he was so you decided not too disturb him and continued class.


Once class ended the boy was still asleep so you liked him and he groaned in response."wakey wakey sleepy head class is already over and don't want too be late for your other class do you". You said shaking him and he opens his eyes too see you and he stretches and grabs his sketchbook but notices it gone so he panicked looking all over for it too see you holding it out for him."Sorry I  caused you too panic a bit I didn't look in it or anything". He takes it and smiles at you the holds a hand out too you and says "Nathaniel. You grab his hand and say "Soul Lycan". You and him walk too your next class since you could not find adrien so you walked with Tomato and you call him that because when he blushes it matches his hair bit anyway enough of that. You walked too the classroom until you hear a loud explosion and you run too a closet and close it then let out wolfie." This is your time too meet them Soul and your first Akuma attack". He exclaimed happily and you were nervous a bit." I know but I don't even know if I'm stong enough too go against that what you call akuma". You sigh and transformed into alpha then open the door and jumped too rooftop.

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