《 Chapter 1 : The Beginning 》

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~Authornim's POV~

The sun began to rise, and soon enough it was high enough in the sky to shine through Seohyun's window.

The warm light danced on her soft skin, as her eyes fluttered open. She stretched out her arms and yawned as she awoke.

Looking over she saw her clock, it was 6:30 am. Noticing the time she quickly hopped out of bed and jumped into the shower to begin her morning.

~Seohyun's POV~

I ran into the kitchen as soon as I had finished my shower and grabbed a few snacks before running out of the door.

As soon as I exited my room, I slammed directly into someone.

"Ah! I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to I'm just in such a rush to get to class!" I said bowing many times.

"Hmm? Oh, it's alright. Um, but don't you know that classes don't start until 8:30?" The man spoke as I began to run once again.

I quickly stopped dead in my tracks.

'How could classes not start at 7:00? That's when they always started for me..'

 I turned around and noticed who it was. My eyebrows jumped and my eyes widened to who it was. He returned the same expression.

"Seohyun?" He said.

"Yoongi?" I said.

It was quite surprising to see the man from yesterday. It was even more surprising that he was my neighbor!

"Ah, thank you for telling me. It's nice to see you again, I didn't know you went to this school." I spoke to him as I came closer.

"Yeah, I really didn't know that you'd be my neighbor, but I kind of suspected that you went to this school." He chuckled.

"Ah, well I supposed I'd better go back inside to make an actual breakfast since I have the time." I said while waving goodbye and walking back into my room.

I quickly cooked up some eggs and ate them before unlocking my phone to look for any notifications.

[Mom: Have a wonderful day at school! Your fa...]

[Email: Thank you for signing up for...]

[265-874-9201: Hey, is this Minyoung? I'm..]

I swiped all of them except for the random phone number. I told the person I wasn't Minyoung and shut my phone.

'Well, nothing important I guess.'

Soon I checked the clock and it was 8:00 am. I grabbed all of my things and left the dorms. I checked my phone for my schedule and quickly headed off towards my first class.

After the teacher finished lecturing, I packed my things and ran to the next class. Once I was there (5 minutes early) I created a new page to take notes on and saved the other one in a file called 'Week One'.

Once the teacher was finally read to begin I opened up my notes and began to type. The class finished quickly and now it was lunch.

I headed towards the campus cafeteria. I decided to buy some noodles for lunch, as I had been craving them since this morning.

I spotted Yoongi from afar and quickly called him over. He came towards me and said hello, before leaving to buy food.

He returned and we ate together. I had stolen his food a few times -with permission of course- and it was delicious. I offered him to try mine but he rejected my offer.

'More for me!'

After lunch, it was class time. All of the classes were pretty much the same. Take notes, write down what to do for the homework etc etc.

Finally, my first day of college ended. It was wonderful! Well, as school generally goes.

I ended up stopping by one of the computer labs to print out my notes to highlight later. Once I got home I put everything over near my desk and left to go buy groceries, since I still haven't done so since I came here.

The grocery story was quite nice, compared to what I was expecting. I bought most of the things I usually ate (within my budget of course) and the trip was quite successful.

I finally got home and studied for a little while until someone knocked on my door. I got up and yelled as I was going over to the door.

"One moment!"

I opened the door to see a familiar face; Yoongi. I made an odd face as he was carrying a bag of rice and some meat.

"Hi, uh.. Can you cook dinner for me?" He said awkwardly.

I giggled a little before questioning him.

"Why are you asking me to cook for you? Too lazy or something?" I said trying not to laugh any more.

"Well I guess I could make it. I'm a little afraid that I might burn the dorms down." He said laughing at himself.

I welcomed him in and told him I'd teach him. It took us a little while but he finally figured it out. We talked about our lives before college.

Apparently he never cooked before, except for quick microwavable meals and such. It made me laugh but I guess it made sense for a guy who lives on his own.

I talked about how I actually lived with my parents before moving here, since it was cheaper. My parents were big about saving money, even though they've owned a big company for as long as I can remember.

I decided to give him my phone number since it would be good if he had it, since he's my neighbor.

After we finished dinner we decided to watch a movie together, as friends of course. We decided to watch a movie called 'Okja' since it seemed like a cute movie.

(Yes it's an actual Korean movie, in case you actually wanted to see it and no I haven't seen it but it did look cute)

I ended up falling asleep during the movie. When I woke up in the morning Yoongi was already gone.

I picked up my phone to look at the time to see it was 7:12. Before I turned it off to start getting ready, I noticed a message on my phone.

[265-742-3655: Hey, it's Yoongi, I ended up fal..]

Seeing that he got my phone number surprised me so I clicked on it to see everything he said.

'Hey, it's Yoongi, I ended up falling asleep at your place. The food was really good thanks for showing me how to cook bulgogi.'
265-742-3655 - 6:34

I had forgotten about giving him my number, but I'm glad I did or he might've just left a sticky note or something instead.

I yawned and stretched before standing up to get ready for another day of school.

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