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After yesterday's incident both boys were sleeping deeply.Youngjae was tired not just his body but his soul too.He never thought these horrible things would happen to him.

It was 8 am when Youngjae's phone rang.He grumbled and took his phone from the desk.His dad was calling.

"Good morning."

"Morning Youngjae,I want you to take Daehyun and come here.Back to your house.I want to talk." It seemed like his dad stayed up all night.His voice sounded tired but he still kept it formal and strict.

"We will be there.Goodbye." Youngjae kept it short and hung up.He didnt want to talk to his father.He was ashamed it felt like he murdered someone.

"I disappointed my father." That's always what he thought.Quickly he left the room and made his way to Daehyun's.He knew the older one was still asleep but still wanted to knock.

"Come in." Daehyun said in a tired tone.He couldn't get much sleep last night plus he always woke up early without wanting to.He didn't mind normally but today he looked terrible.

His eyes were purple and red his skin was pale.
"Morning Daehyun,are you sick?" Youngjae didnt come in, he just opened the door and stood there.

"I'm not , just a bad mood I guess." Daehyun was lying.Youngjae knew he also had been crying all night because of him.Youngjae felt his stomach twist.
The thought of Daehyun being sad because of him made his heart ache.

An awkward silence surrounded the air.Both boys were too uncomfortable to make eye contact.After their small fight Daehyun felt guilty for shouting at Youngjae.He should've took it a little easier since Youngjae wasnt used to these situations.

Same topic for Youngjae.He felt mad at his self because it wasnt Daehyun's fault.It someone was to blame it was him.

"My dad wants us to go back at my place.He said he wanted to talk.We should leave now."

"I see." was all Daehyun could say.

"Be down in 10." Youngjae said and closed the door.They talked for 3 minutes but it felt like hours.The tension between them was ridiculous.


They were walking to Youngjae's house together.
Sometimes their shoulders touched.
Sometimes their hands brushed against each other's.
None of them said a word but they still refused to keep a distance.

Soon they arrived,Youngjae's dad was waiting them at the door.He kept a serious face and opened the door.Both of them bowed and went inside.

"Have a seat boys."

They obeyed to Mr.Yoo's rules and quickly sat down.

"Where is my- " Youngjae stopped in the middle of his sentence and corrected it.
"Where is Mrs.Eunsoo?"

"I kicked her homophobic ass out." His dad said sassily and coughed.
"I mean uhm her behaviour towards you and your friend Daehyun was unacceptable.So I told her to leave if she couldn't fix herself."Mr.Yoo fixed his tie and continued.

"Look Jae-ah, it doesn't matter to me what you are.You are a human after all.I just want you to be successful, you should've told us earlier."

Youngjae couldn't believe his dad's words.He never imagined his dad accepting him for who he was.He began to cry uncontrollably.But it was okay they were happy tears.

Daehyun was also shocked but he was glad.Now he would have a happy relationship with Youngjae.

"Jung Daehyun, I'm sorry if my son troubled you.He is pretty stupid when it comes to someone else's emotions forgive him for me.And please take care of him." His dad finished his sentence.
Youngjae ran to his father and hugged him.

It was literally their first serious hug after a long time.His dad hugged back tightly.

After another hour of chatting Mr.Yoo excused his self and left for his work.Youngjae and Daehyun were alone.Daehyun silently sat next to Youngjae.

He kissed Youngjae's cheek and hugged him.Youngjae broke the hug and dragged him to his room.

And that night they made love with their burning passion.

double update!!

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