Louis was playing cars with his two-year old toddler.

He loved spending time with Carter and giving him all his attention.

The boy looked just like Harry with a hint of Louis in there.

He had Blue eyes with green in his irises, it looked like a mix between land and sea, he got Harry's dimples, they were a deeper than Harry's. He also got Harry's hair colour but was stuck with the feather hair of his dad.

It was hard not to miss Harry.

Louis gave birth after his 18th birthday in January.

sighing he thinks back to the time he and harry were happy.

It's not like he didn't try to tell Harry, he did, but everytime Louis would bring up the thought of a baby, Harry just blew him off.

He laughed at the idea of having a child, Louis has tried so hard to get him to understand that having a baby wasn't such a bad idea, but Harry just didn't want it, so he took the only option.

He packed his bags, said goodbye to his family and left, Harry eventually found out Louis left and he didnt' call nor text.

Louis figured Harry just didn't love him anymore, so after two months he changed his number.

He got a flat in London, enrolled in university, and gave birth to Carter.

Here they lived for the time being. Louis was looking into moving to a more quiet area in London, his mum told him Harry left town so he was thinking about moving closer to home.

"Daddy when we gonna see grandma?"

Louis looked at the child infront of him, his heart swelled with love and pride.

"Soon bub, very soon."

My runaway lover (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now