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"Are you sure you've got everything there?" Mother eyed my one bag of clothing and toiletries.

"Yes mother. I'll ask if i need anything else" I tell her for the 100th time in the last 15 minutes. 

I had been offered a place in Pacific Coast Academy In California. After weekends of studying and preparing for this day I had finally recieved a form telling me i had made it. All my hard work payed off. I was more then thrilled te day the letter came. My mother cried for what felt like hours until she congratulated me.

"Let me take one last look in you're bag" Mother starts to un zip my bag before i stop her and throw it into the back of her car. She narrows her eyes at me.

"Can we get going, please? I have everything in there" I tell her, quickly opening the door and taking my seat so she wont have an idea of taking it out of the boot.

Mother huffs, and get's into the front of the car, starting te engine.


"Here we are!!" My mother squeals as she drives through the gates and into the campus.

The campus just looks as great as it did on te leaflet.The building are old and elegant. Hundreds of people,parents hugging and kissing their children goodbye, fill the area. I am already impressed. 

"This is as far as i can go sweetie, i have to get back to work" Mother gets out of the car and i follow her persuit. Im glad she's going, i dont want her to freak out about dorm rooms and boys.

"If you need anything else, call me" She heaves my bag out of the car and sets it down, looking at it up and down. "I'll call you right after work is finished. Tell me about you're dorm room. Stay safe Selena Gomez. Love You" 

She kisses my forehead and gets in the car, driving far away from Pacific Coast.

I pick my bag up and take a quick look around. I breath in the taste of..University and people. I manage to find the double doors leading into the reception.

A long que is set straight in front of the desk, people wanting to get signed in and have dorm rooms. I am probably the 60th person in the line. What a great start, i tell my self.

"Ouch" I mumble as someone comes crashing into my side, knocking my bag off my shoulder. I turn to come face to face with a tall boy around my age, with dark curls, and piercing emerald green eyes. His lips are pursed with a slight annoyed expression and has on a white plain t-shirt and black jeans.

"Watch you're going next time" He says, his tone has a slight sharpness to it. I notice a distinct British accent in his deep voice.

"I..I was standing here, and you bumped into me" I say, calmly.

"You were'nt standing there. You bumped into me" He snaps. "Watch were you're going next time" He says, delibrately pushing a girl behind of me out of the way.

"That was a bit unnecassary" I tell him, nodding at the girl who was now behind him.

"Yeah, well" He looks bored.

"Look, just give the girl her space back-"

"Just dont bump into me next time" he interuppts me. He turns on his heel and stalks across the hall, disappearing amongst the crowd.

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