Society Killed Us All

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Can you imagine living a life where no one seems to notice you?It's as if you're actually invisible.The only time they seem to notice you is when they want something. It's like in order to get there attention you have to have something they want. If you do give them something they're gonna only talk to you for that reason. To them you are a no one. It seems to be they only care about you when something happens to you. Yet alone you seem to be the outcast cause you're so different from everyone else. But in my opinion being different is good because you're being yourself an individual. Everyone these days are followers they either want to be someone they're not or want something someone else has that they don't have. Everyone now wants everything name brand but if you really think about it they only get it for you to keep you happy. Sometimes people should be grateful for what they have. There are homeless people who have nothing. Instead of being a follower and being someone you're not why not treat the people who really need it. Think about it, if you don't have this you can't hang out with us, This is what it has come to Congradulations society you've broken us. Now we are no one but each other.

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