Save me

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I need Pinetree to come back.

Not just for me but for Leo and shooting star.

They need him the most.

Will and I started to chant the spell that can save Pinetree

"hoc daemonium hominum convertit. Vulnera ad salutem omnium carorum iterum uidere."
"Make this human turned demon. To save his life from all his wounds and to see his loved one's once again"

We said it once in Latin and again in English. I just hope this works. After the chant we looked at Pinetree. I went on my knees and put his hand near my mouth

"I'm sorry Pinetree" I said
"Papa's gone" Leo said while crying
"Leo don't cry please. . .he told us to smile remember" I slowly joined Leo's sobbing.
"I'm gonna miss papa" Leo said
"I should have never come back" I said.
"Bill don't say that!" Will yelled
"It is, if I didn't come back this would have never happened. He would at least be safe" I said
"Bill he loved you and wanted you to be happy. He wanted you to come back because he missed you." Will said
"Daddy please don't say that I need you too" Leo said.
"I know" I said

I kissed Pinetree's hand and closed my eyes. I let the tears roll down my eyes and on to his hand. Will looked at me and I stood up. Will carried Leo in his arm and hugged me. Will moved me to the another room. I can't live without him.

Will sat me down in a different room and smiled.

"Bill I'll leave you alone with Leo. I'll tell Mable what happened" Will said
"I'll tell them" I said
"Bill you're going to break down if you tell them. I'll do this" Will said
"Pinetree" I mumbled.
"I'll be back" Will said leaving.

I hugged Leo and started to cry some more with Leo.

Pov Will.

Before I left I can see Bill crying again. I've never seen Bill this upset about anyone before. I went to the pines home to tell Mable. I knock on the door and Stan answers.

"Can I talk to Mable" I asked
"Of course" He said

I walked in and saw her holding a pillow to her chest. I see Ford come in and that gets me mad.

"Why are you here" He said
"I can kill you right now but I'm not here for you" I said
"W-Will"She stuttered
"Can I talk to you" I asked

She nodded and lead me to Dippers room. Why would she take me here?

"Mable I'm so sorry" I said
"Will tell me you're joking" She said
"I'm not Mable I'm sorry" I said
"Why didn't Bill come" She asked
"Bill isn't stable at the time" I said
"What do you mean by isn't stable" she asked
"Bill is a mess. I've never seen him cry over someone like this before. He never cries over someone like this before. He doesn't cry at all. " I said
"Bill really liked Dipper" She said
"I know" I said
"Tell Bill I'm sorry for being an ass to him" She said
"I will" I said
"Goodbye" she smiled
"Bye" I waved

I went back to Bill's place and I saw him standing up. He was covering his mouth with tears steaming down.
I looked in his direction and I couldn't believe it.

Pov Bill

I went to the other room and saw what made me cry. I can see so many dark figures around me. They looked just like pinetree. I fell to my knees because it was too much. They were talking to me.

"Bill it's your fault!"
"Pinetree I'm sorry" I said
"Why didn't you help me!"
"We tried, but we couldn't I'm-" I said
"I wish you were dead!"
"I wish I was" I said
"Why did you even come back!"
"Because I missed you I-I loved you" I said
"I've always hated you"

Will grabbed my arm and all of them went away. I was mumbling thing's to myself.

"Bill are you okay?"
"I shouldn't be here" I said
"Bill snap out of it!"
"Will . . ." I said
"What happened"
"I don't know" I said
"Where did it come from"
"I don't know" I said.
"Someone's here"
"There's no one else here" I said
"Leo can you us magic yet?"
"Pinetree!" Bill yelled
" Bill claim down please" Will hugged me
"Daddy claim down" Leo said
"These aren't out powers than whose?" Will said
"The book it has all powers from every demon" I said
"Where is it" Will asked
"The book self in my room" I said

I was still on the floor processing what I just saw. Will comes back with the book.

"It should show us what that power was" I said
"Do I say anything or just like a regular book" Will asked
"It's a book Will it's gonna magical show us the page" I said
"Never mind" Will said
"I never used that book in my life"
"Sure....." Will said
"It's not going to work" I said
"Bill your scared and I know but this is the only change we have to see if he's alive or not" Will said
"I'm going to tell shooting star" I said
"Your what!?!" Will said
"I'm gonna take her here" I said
"She gonna turn insane if you bring her here" Will said
"I'll give her something that won't make her turn insane" I said
"Fine but hurry" Will said

I went to shooting star and ran in without knocking. I can see Fez trying to stop me.

"Shooting star!" I yelled
"Bill what are your doing here Will said-"
"Never mind that put this necklace on and come with me" I said
"Why" She asked
"Do you love your brother" I said tearing up
"Then put it on and come with me" I said

She put the necklace that I made on the way and I pushed her in the portal. I saw Sixer there and I flipped him off. Worth it!!!!! We were back at my place in a matter of seconds. I saw Will looking threw the book.

"Will what's Bill talking about"
"He might be alive" Will said
"W-What" she stuttered
"We just need to find him" Will said
"Wait he's gone?!?" She said
"Now in the book" Will said.
"Why in a book?" She said
"He's a demon now and-" I said
"He's a demon now!" She yelled
"You didn't tell her" I looked at Will
"I forgot sorry" Will said
"The only way to save him was to do that" Will said
"So can he make deals like you guys?" She asked
"We don't know his power and since every single demon is listed in this book he has to show up" I said
"Okay but should we go to a different room to find more books?" she said
"That's a good idea" Will said

I can still see my little guy curled up in a ball in the corner. I just wanna cry right now. But we just need to save Pinetree.

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