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Peashooter: I'm bored

Sunny: peashooter everyone was bored ever since you got run over by a train.

Zinna: AHEM

Nebula:Oh hey everyone this is my friend Zinna the alien sunflower I invited her to join us today.

Comet: no what are you talking about?

( Shoots Zinna in the head)

Nebula: what the heck man

Comet: not this time!

(Comet slam tackles Nebula)

( the two starts fighting)

Victoria: NO NO NO NO NO

Sunny: I'm going in!!

(Sunny dives in the fight)

( Sunny stops the fight)

Nebula:  what in the world Comet WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU

Comet: this is what I do everyday hehe

Toxica: Guys actually stop

Comet and Nebula: fine

Victoria: guys stop this is supposed to be a Sunnyshooter ship chapter..

Sunny: what

Victoria: magishogilfashiodbe

(Sunny and peashooter get teleported into a secret room with a waiter)

Peashooter: wat the-

Pickle waiter Hemlock: Can I get you anything ma'am

Sunny: wait a sec............ k so this is a menu hmmmmm k I have salmon ( do plants eat fish?)


Sunny: wait there's edible Pokémon?


Pickle Hemlock: yes your order will take 30 mins thank you...

(Pickle Hemlock leaves)

Sunny: the stars are beautiful today...

Peashooter: Just like you.

(Sunny smiles)

(They stare at each other for 29 mins)

(Sunny leans closer)

Peashooter: Sunny I just wanted to tell you that I-

(Pickle Hemlock bursts in the room)

(Peashooter screams and falls off the balcony )

( Peashooter teleports back)

Peashooter: wait what?

Peashooter: so anyways I j-just wanted to tell you that i lo-

(Peashooter and Sunny teleports back)

Peashooter: aw c'mon I was just about to tell Sunny that I lov- wait that's not right that i like- wait that's not right ether

Sunny: why are we back here anyways?

Annie: Oh I asked Victoria if She can bring you guys back!

Victoria: then I said no

Annie: then I asked toxica to shoot Victoria so she can bring you guys back!

Toxica: then I said no

Annie: then I asked Chloro to tackle Toxica to shoot Victoria to bring you guys back!

Chloro: then I said I can't touch a girl and no.

Annie: then I asked Zinna to use a alien device to convince Chloro to tackle Toxica to shoot Victoria to bring you guys back!!!

Zinna: then I said no

Annie: then I asked Nebula to ask nicely Zinna to use a alien device to convince Chloro to TAckle Toxica so she can shoot Victoria to bring you guys back!

Nebula: then i said no.

Annie: then I asked Comet to slap Nebula so he can ask Zinna to use a alien device to convince Chloro to tackle Toxica so she can shoot Victoria to bring you guys back!

Comet: then I said no.

Annie: then I asked Hemlock the pickle to scare Comet to slap Nebula so he can ask Zinna to use a alien device to convince Chloro to tackle Toxica so she can shoot Victoria to bring you guys back!

Hemlock the pickle: then I said as a pickle I can't do anything.

Annie: then I tried to use a cotton candy rainbow zombie yeti to convince Hemlock the pickle to scare Comet to slap Nebula so he can ask Zinna to use a alien device to convince Chloro to Tackle Toxica  so she can shoot Victoria so she can bring you guys back!


Peashooter: I'm going to kill you Annie!!

Annie: wait no AAAAUUUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!

................................................................................................................................................( copyright a dead Annie)

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