What's Up with Elena Gilbert?

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        Hello readers, long time no see. I have been meaning to update for a while now but my life has been way too chaotic to write. Honestly, I think I just needed a break from Wattpad and writing in general. I lost interest in the Vampire Diaries for a while, and I didn't have  the time to watch Netflix to regain my love for it. I do love it again, I will say. However, I am not a quitter and I started something 4 years ago, I intend on finishing it. I can't say when updates will be so please bear with me. I love you guys so much and thank you to the ones that have been so kind to me in my absence. Y'all are the best!

Happy Reading!

I went back to Whitmore, despite Stefan's efforts to keep me home. He still is trying to get the professor job back but the administration isn't too nice with him. It felt so good to be back in the dorm with everyone.  Elena had left relatively early to go somewhere, I'm not sure where though. Bonnie and Caroline were still in bed and we had about two hours until our class started. I'm in the bathroom, sitting on the counter, about to call Stefan. I have to keep my voice down so I don't wake the girls. The phone rings a few times. 

    "Good morning wifey." Stefan answers the phone warmly. I smile, gosh I'll never get used to hearing that. 

   "Good morning, how are you?" I ask, leaning against the wall. 

  "I'm good, missing you." 

  "I miss you too, babe. How's the job redeeming going?" I question.

  "It's okay, I need to convince them that I was truly in a binding position at the beginning of the school year."  I start to hear rumbling in the other room as if someone might be awake.

  "Didn't want to use the whole 'I was kidnapped and held against my will?" I joke, he chuckles with me and his laughter fills my ear. 

  "You know I would but I feel like that wouldn't get me far except to the police station." Stefan answers. "Don't you need to start getting ready for class?"

  "I will, I just wanted to hear your voice. I miss you so much." 

  "I miss you too, there's a great solution for this problem. You could come home." Stefan slyly interjects. I smile at his attempt and hop off the counter. 

  "Nice try but I'm determined to live as normal college student as possible." For me, that is seemingly not possible but hey, a vampire can dream.

 "Look at you, I'm a proud husband." I can see his golden smile just by his sentence. I smile back and wish that I could see that smile.

 "I love you, hubby." 

  "I love you, angel." I end the call and walk into my shared dorm with my three best friends. Caroline and Bonnie look at me from their beds and smile.

  "Good morning besties." I greet and walk over to my dresser. It's starting to cool down here in Mystic Falls so my favorite accessories of ankle boots and leather jackets can make an appearance. 

  "Where's Elena?" 

  "I believe she left early for something, she was up before I was." I answer as I'm digging through my clothes. "She texted me, saying for us to meet her in our class." I hear shuffling behind me and I assume the girls have started to get ready. I find a cozy pink sweater and some black jeans. I change into those and slip into white converses while adding a fashionable watch. There is something so empowering about wearing watches, I am not entirely sure why. My hair is still in waves from yesterday so I use some handy dandy dry shampoo and my hair is good as new. I apply some makeup while Bonnie and Caroline are finishing up getting ready. Care and I have the advantage of vampire speed when getting ready so we have to slow down for Bonnie's sake. 

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