Honey, We're Home!

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Hoseok POV

We got back from Hawaii today and Hyungwon is now pouting about his sun-burnt skin. I put him in a cold bath and told him to soak for a bit while I went to the store to get him aloe vera. He cursed at me several times before settling down. If he wasn't in so much pain I would have laughed.

The store had so many versions of aloe, I just bought them all, just to see which one would work better for my baby. I got pissed as the girl who was checking my items smiled at me and flirted. I groaned in annoyance as she started dropping me hints.

"You know, we have a sale tomorrow if you want to you know, stop by and see me again." She batted her eyes at me. I checked the name on her name tag, Sooneyoun, and smirked. I grabbed my bags from her, making sure she saw my engagement ring. Her face dropped as she took in the band of gold on my finger. "Have a nice day sir." I nodded and walked out, arms weighed down with everything my love needed.

As I drove home, I got this strange feeling in my gut, but I shook it off. I pulled into the driveway and got out, almost forgetting the bags. I entered the house and went upstairs to find Hyungwon sleeping on the bed, my hoodie covering most of his body, his chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern. I climbed in beside him and wrapped my arm around his waist, gently pulling him closer to me. He groaned.

"Babe, I swear, if you even think about moving me any more, while I am in pain, I will cock block you." He turned to glare at me and I smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheek. He sighed, snuggling down, wincing as his sun burn flared. I got up and grabbed the aloe, uncapping it and pouring some onto my hand. I crawled over to where he was laying and started rubbing the clear gel on his legs, smirking at the moan that made its way past his puffy lips. My hands worked their way up his legs, under the edge of my hoodie. He cracked on eye open and lifted his arms slightly, a silent demand, one that I was more than happy to comply to.

Once the hoodie was off, I took a moment to admire his body.  His weight came back, and his baby bump was gorgeous, his skin had gotten a beautiful tan in Hawaii, glowing a soft golden color. I poured more aloe on my hand and rubbed it gently onto his tummy and chest, down his arms, massaging the muscles softly. I smiled as his opened his eyes to glare at me.

"What's wrong babe?" He scowled and sat up slowly. He crawled into my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling my head down for a kiss. I traced my tongue along his bottom lip but he stubbornly refused to open for me. I sucked his bottom lip and bit down, earning a small gasp from him. My tongue shot into his mouth, stroking gently along his own.

A pounding on the door forced us to break apart, a thin string of saliva connecting us. I pouted as he pulled the hoodie back on, walking to the dresser to pull on a pair of jogging sweats before heading down the stairs, looking back at me to see if I was coming.

I got up and followed him down the stairs, standing behind him as he threw open the front doors... and froze. There on the porch, was Mr. and Mrs. Chae.

"Hello honey, We're home!"

-Time Skip-

"What the fuck! So you guys faked your death just so you could go on a VACATION?! To Greece? Are you guys fucking insane?" Hyungwon was livid. His face took on a slight red tone, and he was pacing. His parents sat on the couch, staring at their son while he ranted.

"Babe, calm down, it's not good for the baby." He nodded and sat down beside me. His mom's head snapped to face me.


"Yes, baby, I'm pregnant mother, and I also have other news for you. See this house, it's under my name now as well as all the money you guys left in the bank, because news flash, you guys are legally dead here in Korea. So I want you OUT! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!" His mom's eyes filled with tears and his dad dragged her out. Hyungwon collapsed beside me, his entire body shaking with sobs. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close.

"Shhh, love it's ok, it's ok." I stroked my hand down his back, soothing the hair down on his forehead.

"No, it's not ok! My parents LIED. They fakes their own death just to get away. I hate them!" He hit my chest, fists pummeling the muscles. I let him, I knew he needed to let this out. After a while he stopped and just cried. I laid down, pulling him on top of me, all the while murmuring soft words to him.

A little while later, soft snores escaped his mouth. I kissed the top of his head and snuggled down into the couch. If I could, I would have gotten up and beat the shit out of his dad and given his mom a very powerful talk about what a mother should be to her son. But as I looked at Hyungwon's sleeping face, I knew that if I did, the love of my life wouldn't be happy and in retrospect, neither would I.

I closed my eyes and held him closer. I love him, and I would do anything for him. 


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