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Thea's Secret


Thea sat watching the clock, hoping for the school day to drag on longer than usual.

45 minutes until the last bell rings, come on why couldn't it be 3rd period, she thought with desperation. She sat with her chin in her hands, resting comfortably on her desk, staring at the clock while, her leg did a nervous tap beneath the desk. Mr. Martian her A.P. Bio teacher, was going on about something but, Thea's mind was else where. She could hear the distant rain patter against the classroom window as the lightning flashed and the thunder echoed through the sky. This stupid storm just had to cancel all the after school activities including rugby practice, Thea thought, to herself miserably. She did not want to have to go home, not at all. She pushed up against the back of her chair, wincing at the pain. She squeezed her eyes shut and gripped the desk, trying not to concentrate on the pain from the bruise on her back and sides.

"Thea, are you okay?" Someone asked. Thea's eyes burst open at sound of her name; she looked to see Mary staring at her.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine," Thea said flashing a fake smile.

"Okay...if you say so," Mary said giving her a weird look before going back to what she was doing. Thea looked down at her hands; which were gripping the desk so hard that her knuckles were turning white. She hurriedly removed her hands from the desk and placed them in her lap. She looked up at the clock again, great ten minutes left, Thea thought.

"Nice work Thea, another amazing test!" Mr. Martian said placing a test from a week ago on her desk. She hadn't realized Mr. Martian had stopped talking and was passing back the tests. She looked down at her own test on her desk where in bold red there was a written 99%. She had only missed half a point somewhere, but she had other things to think about other than a test. She aimlessly flipped through the pages not really looking at any of it, her mind blank. She looked up at the clock once again, which read 3:19 great I have a total of two whooping minutes left, of course time would fly Thea thought. She slowly began packing up her things and collecting them in her arms. As she stood, the bell rang. Ugh I don't want to go home, Thea silently thought. She walked out of the class room, still not ready for what awaited her. When Thea looked up she immediately saw Bennett heading toward her. Thea smiled at the sight of him, they had been friends since pre-school, ever since Bennett punched Teddy Marshall for stealing Thea's crayons. Bennett was waving a hand at her and smiling. He was a tall, kid for 18 years. Actually that was an understatement; he was 6'6" a whole foot and two inches taller than she was. His dark brown hair was cut short and spiked in the front accompanied by his ocean blue eyes that always seemed to pop out against his tan Arizona skin.

"Hey Thea!" Bennett called to her.

"Hey Bennett, What's up?" Thea said as he matched her pace.

"Not much, though I'm happy baseball practice was canceled." Bennett said smiling wider.

"What about you? You alright, you seem a bit upset." He asked concerned while turning to look at her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Thea said trying to fake a smile, but it only came out awkward. They reached her locker, which gave her time to quickly change expressions. Bennett leaned against the wall next to her locker.

"So, what do you say want to go back to my place and work on homework?" Bennett asked.

"Can't I think my dad is home" Thea said.

"So we're going to my place not yours," Bennett stated

"I know, but you know how he can be, he won't let me out when he's home, I'm sorry," Thea said looking down at her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2010 ⏰

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