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"Can you hold the Pico? I just want Guacamole."

"The entire dish is called Pico." The brown haired boy laughed.

"That's just too many tomatoes. Look, can you make this happen or not?"

"I can certainly make this happen." He gave a winning smile.

A sigh. "Thank you," she looked at the name tag on his chest, "Marshal."

"No problem."

Before he turned around to send her late night order back a car came rushing through the intersection, its headlights shinning blue. Too fast, he thought. Jo whipped her head around just in time to see the car hit a pedestrian. The only sound in the cafe was her gasp. The car drove off.

"I'll call the police." Marshal already had the phone in his hand.

Jo walked slowly to the front of the cafe, whoever it was lied in an awkward position, arms and legs at odd angles. She walked forward in a trance. When the door shut behind her she lost the sound of Marshal's frantic voice. The pedestrian wore a black hoodie the face was covered. Jo's heart was beating swiftly as she walked out into the road.

"What are you doing?" Marshal shouted and the cafe door swung shut.

"What if they need CPR or something?" She shouted back but didn't take her eyes off the victim.

"You're in the middle of a crime scene."

She didn't heed his warning, instead she bent down to the body and put two fingers up to the jugular. "They're alive." She shouted back although she wasn't sure he was still there. "And breathing."

"Okay, come back, out of the road."

Jo pulled back the hood and stared at the familiar face. "Holy crap."

"Who is it?" Another voice asks from the other side of the road, Blair, Jo would know that voice anywhere.

"It's Donna."

Blair puts a hand up to her mouth and stares at Jo who shakes her head slightly. Jo notices a shadow coming from the right. She squints in the dark. "Bronwyn?"

Bronwyn is staring at the Donna with a stone cold face, the lamp post behind her gives her a glowing halo.

"You don't look very surprised." Jo states and Bronwyn finally speaks.

"I guess the shock of seeing the accident takes the edge off everything else."

Marshal looks between the three girls, skipping Donna. The three girls who used to be friends, or still are? He can't keep up with the secrets of the it crowd anymore.

The police sirens can be heard coming down main street and Jo walks back to Marshal. They wait in silence, no one saying: Poor Donna, who did this? Do you think it was an accident?

They get split up as they are questioned. No one hears what the other says, and then the girls get taken home and Marshal goes back to finish his shift.

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