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Bronwyn doesn't like the idea, Jo thinks she has all the pieces from this group anyway, Blair feels betrayed, and Marshal feels unwanted. The four of them sit in the office of Blair's counselor.

"Marshal why don't you go first." She asks since he is older and she assumes he will be more forthcoming.

"I was shaking when I called the police. And I thought it was very brave of you Jo to run out to Donna and see if she needed help."

"What is your relationship to Donna?"

"I don't know her well, she's just in my senior english class, advanced like Bronwyn."

Jo goes next, she talks about her frustration with not seeing exactly what happened and how she didn't know what to say when she visited Donna.

"And you're relationship with Donna."

"She's just a friend of a friend, I have to admit I never gave her a second thought, she's just someone who's name I know and face I recognize."

Jo doesn't mention her dreams, and Blair is thankful, the principal told her parents what she said yesterday and her parent's told her counselor, and it was the counselor's idea to get them all together hoping that Blair would share if she heard others doing the same.

"Blair, would you like to say anything about what your parents are concerned about?"

She knew it would get out eventually, and she did 't want to risk Jo speaking before her and talking about dreams, so she went ahead and said what she told the officer. Neither Jo nor Bronwyn give anything away, not a hint that Jo had been the first to mention being confused.

"If only I had looked past the car and seen Donna, I could have shouted to her and prevented all of this: Donna's coma and this trauma, confusion." Guilt.

"Do you feel some responsibility for saving Donna?"

"I know there was nothing I could do, but if."

The counselor smiles sweetly. "Thank your for sharing Blair. Bronwyn?"

"Look, I don't know you. It's nice that everyone one else trusts so easily and talks about feelings, but I can't." Bronwyn's look is unforgiving.

The counselor has dealt with this before, people who aren't ready to talk.

At home Bronwyn dodges her dad and runs up stairs. She wonders at how easily Blair got out from under the spot light and hopes she can do the same when it shines on her. But she can't chalk this up to being confused, the facts will betray her. Bronwyn holds Donna's phone in her hands. She picked it up that night and slipped it in her pocket before Jo or Blair saw her.

Donna's accident had died down for the rest of the school, but the very next day it is buzzing with news of Donna.

"What's going on?" Bronwyn asks Jo.

"You haven't heard?" Jo rushes into what she knows. "Donna's nurse went into her room this morning and found a note taped to Donna's tv saying 'I made a wrong calculation I'll hit the gas harder if you ever get out of here.'"

"Why would someone write a note to a girl in a coma."

"No, no, she woke up yesterday, like a couple hours after that counseling session."

Bronwyn's face drops and she grabs Jo's arm before she went off to her class. "What did Donna say about that night?"

"Nothing, she doesn't remember it."

"The crash or anything about that night?"

"Anything, the last memory she can come up with is fifth period in english."

"That's like two and a half days she's missing."

"I know! How crazy and frustrating!"

"Yeah, poor Donna."

"I don't want to sound super happy," Jo whispers, "but think of what this means, someone hit Donna on purpose. I'm gonna find out who it was."

"No, Jo, don't get in the middle of all this."

"I can't help it, and if you're still traumatized then you don't have to help me, but I know you're just as curious as I am."

"I am curious." Bronwyn says, she would rather know what Jo is finding out than be in the dark.

"The craziest part is the timing of it all. How did this person know they would be at the intersection right when she was walking through?"

"Crazy." Bronwyn agrees knowing that she'll have to be careful about steering Jo in the right, or rather wrong, direction.

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