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I can hear the excitement in his voice as he says, "Your Emma!" No one really says anything and he continues, " And the twins, And Olive. And Bronwyn. And he's Millard!"

I can feel Millard giving him a small nod to him. There was a small pause before he finally notices me, standing beside Millard it appears. " And you are Lena. I've heard so much about all of you, but Lena most from my grandfather."

I can feel the glare that Emma is giving me secretly as I have a small blush on my cheeks that I can feel. "Wait, no, you're dead. All of you, you're all dead. I mean, he's invisible but he's dead." He says panicky.

Millard responds quickly, "None of us are dead." That just seemed to have made it worse. " Oh, my God. Am I dead?!" "No," Emma responds weirdly. "You called me Abe." He says to Emma.

She is hesitant to answer him, "Because you look just like him, for a moment. Before you started screaming, running away, and concussing yourself." She explains to him. "Wait, what's happening?"

I believe Olive starts pushing him into the loop entrance as Emma says, " We are waiting until the coast is clear before we go into the loop." "Wait, before we.... Before we go into where?" He sounds so confused.

" Please Jake," Emma pleads him. " Miss Peregrine saw you on the ferry and she sent us to get you." They all start to pile in. Me and Millard going last, him leading me so I don't trip on a rock.

I don't know exactly what happens next, but I know that he is panicking and runs out right into the loop. Millard tells me that Emma, Olive and himself are going after the boy. I grab the twins' hands and we start walking with Claire behind us.

We get to the house and they run inside, I walk behind them, finally on more familiar grounds. Everyone is playing outside before dinner, so I grab my book from before and a violin and head outside.

I sit underneath a medium sized willow. I feel around the grass until I find where I put the book and the violin. I read my book for a few minutes when an image appears. It is 4:30 and Miss Peregrine is about to show the new boy around.

I finish my page and set the book down. I pick up the violin and play a few notes and tune it correctly. Then, I play.

*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQjs_kAW5Bw *

Jake's prov:

We arrived to a big house identical to the children's home just, not as destroyed. We walk up to the door, with me leading the way.

I was about to ring the doorbell or knock when the door opens and shows a women, maybe in her late 20's to her mid 30's ( guessed because I couldn't find it). "Right on time." She exclaims as she looked up at her pocket watch.

"Miss Peregrine, Delighted to meet you." She sticks out her hand for me to shake in greeting. I shake it out of respect and greeting and then she continues,

" I hope I don't have the pub landlord knocking on my door with the police again. I have had to kill him twice this month! It's been terribly inconvenient." Emma hesitates but answers, "Well, Millard broke a few things. That's all. And Olive may have started a tiny fire."

Miss P doesn't look pleased and gives her a look. "But they were going to hurt Jake." She hurriedly says and they go around Miss Peregrine and going inside, leaving me on the porch with Miss Peregrine looking at me.

"Look at you." She says,"The last time dear Abe sent me a photograph... you were just a tiny tot." I can't help but let a small smile and blush spread on my face.

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