chapter one

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as a high - priced and expertly skilled lawyer with my own private practice , i'm sure you imagine the wealth of paper work that I would get through on a daily basis. It was important to keep on top of the endless contracts and legal documents that flowed through the office every day and so was it with a heavy heart that I said goodbye to my secretary of five years , lucy.

she had been an excellent worker who never once failed to have the correct papers ready for my endless meethings , tribunals and hearings . sadly, she had gotten herself knocked up and since her husband earned more then enough to support their whole family , she had decided to quit work to look after their child .

this left me in a bit of a quandary as I needed the transition to my new secretary to be as smooth as possible . thankfully , after a short round of interviews I came across camila , a young , aspiring writer who was looking for an admin job to support her humble life .

after impressing during her interview, I offered her the job on the spot. it had everything to do with the excellent resume and the results of her aptitude test, and absolutely nothing to do with her fine , perky ass- or at least that what I tried to convince myself was the truth .

in fact , although she did indeed posess all of the required skills to handle the  job , I couldn't deny that she was incredibly beautiful . fresh out of college with English degree under her arm , her glee at finding her first real job was almost infectious. I say almost , as the many years of practicing law had left me with something of a sour temperament , but as the first few weeks passed by she managed to elicit a few smirkswith her quips and light hearted attitude  she was a little shorter than me and although her bust was hidden frame away beneath her lose blouses, I could tell that she was packing a beautiful pair of young , perky breasts .  her long brown hair reached down to her shoulder blades and her chocolate brown eyes were so hypnotic that I had to fight the urge to dream about her during meetings.

I never once let on that I might be attracted to her , though . For one , it would have been wholly inappropriate given that she was my employee and I had no idea if she shared my lesbian persuasion.

I knew that my fantasies would have to remain locked away inside my mind and could only be unleashed once I was in my bed at night .

Still, despite her gleaming smile and wide-eyed enthusiasm, there was a darker side to her that I would only encounter some months later . she had proven herself to be an excellent secretary and a worthy successor to lucy , about whom I had almost forgotten . Whereas I tended to bring a packed lunch into office so I didn't have to leave the building, she would often venture out of the various sandwich shops across the way and would be hone for a solid half hour .

there was nothing unusual about this routine , but then one day something happened that would change the dynamic of our working and personal relationships completely . I had finished eating my sandwich and walked out into the waiting room where her desk was situated , along with a few comfy chairs for my clients to sit on while they waited for their appointments .

the place was empty, as was generally the case at luch times , but then as I tossed my screwed up brown paper bag into the bin , I hear a curious buzzing sound .

at first I thought it was some drilling from the floor below , which was being renovated as a dentist 's surgery , but then as I turned to walk back into my office I noticed the sparkling silveer trim of her mobile  phone . she had left it on her desk by accident while she went out for  lunch . I ignored it , choosing to go back into my office.

however , as it sat down a terribly naughty idea consumed my mind.

I stood back up and tiptoed out to her desk again , where the phone lay silently waiting for her to return . I had always harboured a deviant sexual curiosity and the idea of rooting through someone's belongings was a dirty thrill  that couldn't be matched .

I stared at the phone and wondered what might be contained on its memory . Deep down I suspected that a cute young thing like her would be completely spotless and would never have taken any kind of saucy snaps .

she didn't strike me a slut and my own phone contained nothing of the sort either . maybe i'm just being perverted , I thought regardless, I couldn't resist the temptation and quickly picked up the device in my hand .

I walked over to the window in my office and peered down onto the street . There she was ; waiting for a panini at one of the busy stalls in the courtyard below . I had at least a few minutes to spare , so I began to tap at the screen to acces her messages . there was nothing particularly obscene in the first few dozen , so I paused and checked outside the window again . she was still there , checking her watch as she slowly inched forward in the line . I felt like I was in a spy movie . little did I know that it was going to turn into an entirely different genre altogether .

I tapped the screen to open her picure folder . Initially I could see nothing of interest and when I saw that she had amassed several hundred snaps I balked at the thoughts of perusing them all and decided the check a few more . Then it appeared on screen , the photo that would completely change my impression of young innocent camila . I couldn't believe what I was seeing ;  her naked body tied up with ropes around her arms and legs , forced to kneel before some mistery woman who was dressed up in a tight black PVC cat suit . It sent a chill down my spine to think that she would be involved in that sort of thing . I had never really understood the appeal of that kind of kinky behavior , but as I stood there slowly thumbing my way through the next few photographs I could feel myself becoming more and more aroused by the second.  

Without even realising it , i moved my free hand down between my thighs and began to nudge at my tight skirt , pressing the tips of my fingers onto my pussy as i tried to sastify the increasing tingle of my clitoris . My hands were trembling and as i heard the clatter of her footsteps making their way down the corridor outside , i realised that i had been drolling over her saucy snaps, for foar too long .

I placed  the phone back down on the table and rushed into my office just in time to watch her returning to her set , completely obvlvious to the apalling invasion of her privacy that had just occured .

Over the next few days  , i couldn't get that image of her out of my mind and spend god knows how many hours lying on my bed , touching myself as i imagined her naked , tied up and bowing to my depraved will . the picture that had really set my juices flowing was the one of her bending over with deep red hand prints all over her bare cheeks . I had no idea why i suddenly found the idea so appetising , but something had been awoken insidee me and i found myself with a new found hunger for her flesh that was far beyond the innocent fantasies i had entertained thus far in our professional relationship.

It wasn't just her skin that i wanted to see , either i wanted to see it and feel it reeling in a agony after an lashing as intense as the one she received  in the photos. Whoever the mistery woman was , she had definitely gone to town on the young girl's ass and left barely an inch of skin untouched by the huge paddle  in her hand . It set my filthy imagination rolling and over the coming days , every time i laid eyes on her all i wanted to do was bend her over my esk and give heer ass the spanking that she deserved .

I tried to bottle it up ; to supress my dark feeling and push them to the back of my mind, but i could feel it boiling inside my veins and i knew that eventually it would simmer ove the top .

So , i concocted a plan to keep her behind one evening after work and decided on the following firday to unleash my fiendish scheme. It had been a rather busy and i'd gone through several meeting with clients and had to pop oof to the courtroom for a hearing for most of the afternoon , during which my mind was somewhat distracted .

Still , it worked out in my favour in the end and  i got back just in time to catch her as she packed up her bag to leave for home .

" oh , before you go i need to speak with you for a moment ... " i said , waltzing pas her and into my office without a second glance .

AN this story is a short story and will be in 3 chapters

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