chapter two

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I could already feel my hands trembling with anticipation as i pulled out a carefully letter that i had placed in my top desk drawer . she was indeed excellent at her job and i needed a reason to instigate her punishment . So , I had taken a letter she had typed up for my approval and then retyped it , albeit with a spelling error or two .

" certainly !" she beamed , trailing me inside and closing the door behind her .

" I was looking over the letters from yesterday .. " I said , trying my best to calm the nervous wavering of my voice .

" and I came across a mistake . "

" oh?" she said as mortified expression consumed her face . I placed it on the table and spun it around to face her.she stepped up to the edge of the desk and leaned over to inspect it , reading every word thoroughly as I walked aroundd and stood next to her .

the vanilla scent of her parfum wafted up to my nose as it rode the waves of heat from her body and I could easily see the straps of her bra through her white cotton blouse.

Everything about her was turning me on and as i leaned back to get a good look at her ass, the clearly visible imprint of her panties through the fabric instanly send the juises gushing to my pussy .

I leaned in much closer to her body than was strictly appropriate, but she said nothing . she simply watched as my fingers perused the black lettering on their way to the first flaring spelling mistake .

" i'm so sorry , it won't happen again!" she pleaded , fearing my cold expression that she had harmed her reputation. i nodded at her paper again , as if to hint that it wasn't the only mistake . she turned to face it with a sinking feeling deep inside her and scanned it for the supposed second mistake .

my time to strike had arrived and in that moment it was almost like i had lost my mind . I was usually so reseved and had even beel called frigid by my exes , but as i held out my hand behind her and summoned the courage to follow though with my plan , the pressure inside my mind finally snapped .

With a single thunderous blow , I planted the full palm of my hand down over her ass , causing her to bolt involuntarily forward over the desk . Her glasses dislodged from the bridge of her nose and almost smashed to the wooden surface beneath .

She remained absolutely silent and didn't move an inch , staring resolutely down at the piece of paper in front of her . Electricity surged through my veins as waves of doubt and exhilaration fought for control of my senses . The skin of my hand prickled with the shock of the smack and she clenched her ass slightly beneath her skirt as the stining sensation spread around her cheeks . The longer the silence lasted the more convinced i became that i had overstepped the mark. I was almost ready to run out of the door , terrified that i would face some terrile legal repercussions for my actions when suddenly she moved her hand across the desk and pointed towards the second spelling mistake .

" this simply won't do !" i sneered , finally getting the confirmation that i desired .

" Am i to be punished ? " she asked in her wavering , slightly husky voice . it was like she was begging me to continue and as she looked back at me i could see in her eyes that she wanted it as much as i did . The words send a chill down my spine and a sudden rush of juices to my pussy as the prospects of what she had just said consumed my mind . I couldn't believe it was really happening and as i hovered my tingling hand behind her ass , a devilish thought popped into my brain .

" oh yes !" i replied , pressing my finger to the page before her .

" i think one for every line of this letter that you disgraced . "

" thank you ! " she replied , allowing the tremble of her body to take hold of her .

" wait here. " i commanded , holding her firlmy in place before quickly stepping over the main doors in the waiting room. I closed and bolted them shut from the inside and then made my way back into my office , closing that door as well and snapping the blinds shut over my window.

We were sealed inside and i had camila at my mercy, bent over the desk and awaiting her punishment , however severe ideemed neccessary . I stood next to her again and moved my hand back into the air , preparing to strike . i swiped it down over the big volume of her ass , giving another jolt forward , but with her thighs now firmly pressed against the side of my desk , there was nowhere for her body to go.

I spanked her again , counting up as i moved my forefinger down each line of the letter .

" four!" i snarled , ladning another harsh hand print over her ass. Her skirt was affording her far too much of a cushion for my fierce blows , though . So , i paused for a moment and stared at the glorious bump of her ass sticking out behind her . I murmured to myself and then gripped the top of her zip just below her hip . With a single long swipe , I pulled it down along the side of her thigh and allowed the material to fall away from her legs to reveal the saucy black lace topped stockings beneath. They matched perfectly with her french panties and contrasted beautifully with her smooth skin . I tossed the skirt aside and admired the soft pink hand prints that had formed around her ass , fondling them gently in my fingers as i prepared to unleash a far sterner volley .

I stood back up next to her with my hand grapping her ass while relocated the fifth line of the letter and resumed counting .

" five !" I screamed , launching my arm back and planing another harsh smack ovr her newly exposed cheeks . She let out a brief but powerfull groan as the pain shoot through her flesh, which jiggled momenarily before retaking it's firm , young form - albeit with a much redder tint . I spanked her again and again , covering her ass with deep crimson hand print as i made my way down each line of the letter , Every so often she would whisper an elated " thank you " before wincing as i landed a fresh smack over her ass . I watched gleefully as a single solitary tear welled up in the corner of her eye ,rolled down her cheek to her lips . where she licked it up with her slippery tongue watching it extend out briefly and taste the teardrop made my clit throb even harder between my legs and instantly convinced me of what to do next .

I came to the last line and landed the final spank over her enflamed ass cheeks , making sure it was twice as hard and as searing hot as the rest . She whimpered pathetically as i pulled my hand away, observing how it had turned almost as red as her ass.

" thank you !" she shivered , looking back up towards me with a tearful glaze coating her eyes , " I will be more carefull in future !"

" I haven't finished with you just yet! " I replied , stroking the tips of my fingers up and down the crevice of her ass . I leaned over and pulled her panties to one side exposing the teeny little pink anus nestled nearly between them. I spat into it and nudged my middle finger around the incredibly soft , smoorth rim, poking it gently as i tried to work it inside her . She shuddered excitedly as i took control , claming her whole body as my property .

" this belongs to me now !" I claimed , sliding my finger deep inside her ass as her anus clung to the sides and gripped it tightly . She moaned noisily as i thrust it in and out .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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