In a witches garden

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19/02/2008 17:00 The Gardens, Willowcombe Manor.  

As the sun sets Kirsty slipped out of the french windows of the sitting room and into the formal garden. She had uses her soak in the bath to formulate her plan and dressed quickly in the robes the sisters prefer to wear so as to avoid suspicion. However there was no sign of any one outside the buildings.

She moves slowly through the garden looking for the items she will need to create the charm she intends to use. In any other part of the country she knows this would be futile. But her suspicions and hopes are soon confirmed as she spots the familiar shape of Mandrake in the flower beds. This is far from an ornamental garden. Just like the chapel, this part of the manor has been re-purposed to fit the needs of the coven.

Even so it takes her the best part of an hour to collect al the herbs, roots and rocks she will need and as she makes her way back int the house she can see the men carrying the low couches and soft cushions into the chapel in preparation for the nights festivities. As she returns quickly to her room she sees a man in a dinner jacket emerging from Garnette's room. He stares at her, his expression puzzled rather than the fawning look she has come to expect. She quickly suppresses the guilty look and stands her ground. "What are you look at Boy?" She demands.

He drops his gaze, a submissive stance falling on him. "Nothing Mistress." He whispers.

"Do you want me to beat you?" She presses, walking forward.

"No Ma'am." He replies quickly.

She strides past him, but she is sure he goes back into Garnettes room as she turns the corner. It lengthens her stride. Back in her room she slides the bolt across on the door and cleans out the small wash basin. It is not really a suitable chalice, but she had no dared bring any of her items with her in case the women discovered them. She quickly sets to her task, grinding down the plants with a thing glass paperweight and adding drops of moisturising lotion in lieu of the oils the spell normally calls for. She closes her eyes drawing in the magical energies slowly. She knows this is the most vulnerable moment. If the women sense the magical drain then it may alert them to her actions. As she focus she sense a massive source of energy, which seems all to eager to be tapped. It takes her a few moment to realise that it is Warren. She stops and opens her eyes, realising how stupid she has been. She could draw the power from her boy, even if the women did sensed it, they would not question her establishing such a link. She focuses on the sensation again, calling it towards her.


First of Morgan awakes. He can hear his mistress calling to him. There are other voices - the welsh one and the men around him, but it is here voice that called him to consciousness. With out saying a word he stands and leaves his stall. The slaves watch him go, the one called 'Stu' shaking his head sadly, but he can only pity the man for never knowing the true release that complete obedience brings.

The bolted door to his mistresses chamber confuses him for a moment, but he just knocks and waits in silence until she unbolts it and ushers him inside. He stares at her beauty, a smiles on his lips. SHe takes him through into the bathroom and at first he assumes his role is to prepare her bath again, but instead she tells him to kneel on the bath met and close his eyes. It is so easy to obey and give her everything she needs.


KIrsty returns to her spell, the power is almost flowing off Warren in waves. She had no idea he was so powerful. It seems almost sacrilegious that he has never been taught how to harness such energies. She stirs her concoction with one hand as she runs her other over the short stubble of his close cropped hair, noting how some of the longer strands are almost ginger. The power flows so easily from him into her spell, almost as if it is being pushed out of his body. When she formulated her plan it seemed to have little real chance of success, but with this much strength in the charm she is finding it hard to see how it could fail.

The kneeling mans jaw moves. The voice that comes from it is not one she has heard form Warren before. The tone neither the scouse of his youth or his more civilised 'navy' tones. This voice forms it's syllables with a celtic tilt. A native welsh speaker using english only with great reluctance.

"Little girl." It says. "You are playing with Fire."

Her hand jerks away from her pets head. The face turns up to her and the eyes open. The expression is far from the fawning one she has come to expect in those eyes. She stares down at him, her breath caught in her throat.

"I have no wish to expose myself, Dr Goddard. But your actions make it impossible for my concealment to remain." The man in the bath stands.

Kirsty steps back away from him, almost falling over the toilet.

He looks down into the wash basin at the green tincture she has created. "I see." He says, there is a tone in his voice that sounds like a rather displeased school master. "So that is your plan. Turn the coven to worshiping you, and then if their plans are successful, you and the Jack would rule together. It is an interesting idea." He turns to look at Kirsty. "But of course one that would be just as unacceptable to our mutual masters as their original plan." He sighs. "Thus I am afraid I can not permit this to go on unsubverted."

Kirsty stares up at the man, her hand moving to where her Asylum Ward should be. It is almost a shock to remember that it is not there.

"All coming back to you now, is my dear?" The man says. "Do not concern yourself, Deep cover is a very trying task, and I have to say for the most part you have been performing it very well. So, and as I have no wish for my host to be alerted to my status as his passenger just yet, it will be best if you forget our little chat." He looks down at the tincture. "Go rest yourself my dear. I will finish up here."

Kirsty all but flees the bath room, but as she stumbles into the bed chamber she starts to feel dizzy, slightly confused and with a sense of déjà vu. She stands trying to remember what she was doing. She had been looking for power for the spell, She glances to the door. She had just allow her slave in to drain him for the spell. She turns back to the bathroom.

First is standing in the door way holding a glass bottle containing the green fluid. She smiles at him. Clearly she was further along in her preparations than she realised.

"Come here my pet."

He walks over and she strokes his head as she takes the bottle off him. He wraps his arms round her and kisses her passionately. She responds, enjoying his attentions, and then realises he is over stepping his place. She pushes him back saying firmly, "There will be plenty of time for that later, Boy. For now we have an orgy to attend."

She slips the bottle into her tunic and goes to find her sisters.

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