She's a LA Baby

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Lizzie's POV

"LA, LA, baby. Shes a...." i sing as we walk off the plane in Los Angeles. Melissa joins in with me, then Taylor, Victoria belts at the top of her lungs. No a little bit later all of Awesome Life is singing off-pitch to the LA Jonas Brothers theme song, which earns us funny looks from strangers at the airport. I don't blame them, we are 20 year olds' singing (and occasionally skipping) through the halls of the airport. Hey it's weird to be normal.

I make a funny face at a lady who is guiding a small boy though the halls. The boy laughs at my stuck out tongue and crossed eyes while they lady just pulled him closer to her and gave me a glare. How rude.

Victoria elbows me in the side, " Lizzie! Don't be scaring little children... or their parents." She gives me one of those parent looks.

Carlee laughs, " Yeah like Lizzie could stop scaring people." We all laugh, including me.

"Yeah that's true." I smile and pick up my bags.

Most people would be experiencing jet lag from having a 7 and a half hour plane ride, but not us. We're special. we are here for VidCon and we are very ecstatic.

"I can't believe we are finally here!!!" Megan says excitedly as she picks up the last of her bags and starts walking towards the exit with us on her heels.

"I know!!!" Taylor screeches.

Victoria puts her arm around my shoulder."LA here we come!" And pushes me out the door to our cab.

"I don't think i will ever get some sleep with this much excitement!" Carlee says.

    two hours later 

Carlee's snoring, which is very loud, rings in my ears, along with Megan's, Victoria's and Taylor's. Me and Melissa were the only ones awake.  we arrived at the hotel a hour ago, and as soon as we did everyone flopped on the beds/ chairs/ couches, (we didn't have enough money for more than one room.) accept me and Melissa we were too excited to sleep so we were smart and unpacked. we were now laying on our beds bored out of our minds. then an idea pops into my head. i sit up.

"Melissa!!" i whisper but loud enough so she can hear. she sits up and looks at me with restless eyes. "lets go skate around LA!!!!" her eyes light up and she jumps off her bed and runs to the closet. i see her come out of the closet with my green penny board and her pink one in her hands.

"Like, lego." she says and walks quietly out the door with me following her. as soon as we close the room door we laugh and run down the hall.

a few minutes later we are riding around the streets of Los Angeles. i felt the warm California breeze against my body. i looked over to Melissa who was a tad behind me. she had only learned to ride this year along with the others, while i had been skating since i was 5.

"This is so awesome!!" Melissa says as she cautiously looks at her board.

 i smiled at her "yeah! i wonder who we are going to meet? ooff." Look up to the thing i ran into, wait no not thing, person. a dude person. he has two boys behind him. they all look very familiar.

"Maybe you could meet me." he sticks out his hand and helps me up. then it hits me. i know who this is.

i gasp. "Connor Franta."


(A/N) So how have you liked the story so far. this is my first one ever. hope you like it.  can you guess who the other two boys are?

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