Chapter 11

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Sleeping was peaceful that night. No noise. No interruptions. No kneeing in the boob, much to Pidge's relief (and probably Lance's too, saving him embarassment).

Sometime in the night, Lance wraps his arms around Pidge's torso, snuggling up behind her. Too tired and admittedly, liking it too much to say anything, Pidge lies there, moving into his embrace happily.

Why Lance? Why, why, why, why, why?! She's a strong, independent woman (girl?) who don't need no man.

Pidge turns to look at Lance, quiet and peaceful and for once, not being obnoxious. No stupid lady-catching smirk or pun escaping his mouth, no joke about her anime glasses.

She kinda...likes it.

Maybe she wants one man. That's different from needing, per se.

Pidge knows that out of all people to fall for, Lance wasn't someone that she should. Lance was someone who looked on the surface, on the outside; he looked at the exterior. He normally didn't look past it. Pidge was the opposite, preferring to look inside, and not just for people. For everything. Robots, even. Pidge would prefer to look inside an awesome robot to find out the workings, what made the robot itself, rather than just seeing what colour it was or how pretty it was.

Pidge started out looking for someone unbelievably smart. 

Lance started out looking for someone unbelievably pretty. 

Hell, now that she thought about, she was almost completely different from Lance.

Pidge nearly squirms out of Lance's grasp to wake up, but god, it's just so comfortable. It really shouldn't be, considering the lack of any meat whatsoever on Lance's arms, but that doesn't change the fact that Pidge doesn't want to leave. Pidge doesn't want to leave, in case she can't have it again. 

Oh, shit.


Guess she was stuck in bed for another couple hours.

Pidge knows she has to wake up, get on the train, go to school, but does she want to?


She sees Lance's face again, and she reddens.

God, out of all the people to like, why him?




Oh, hey, Pidge.

Lance is gripping her small hand in his, her other on his shoulder and his on her waist.

Preparation for a dance.

Pidge is smiling, eyes so sweet and loving, which both scares and excites him at the same time. Beautiful.

Of course, he wasn't going to capitalise on it now, because he didn't want Pidge to think that he only saw her as beautiful in makeup and a dress.

Hell, Pidge could be rolling in the mud with pigs and she'd still be beautiful.

Even if she didn't see it that way.

But all of a sudden, the scene changes, Pidge collapsing on the grass and Lance darting down with her, holding her.

"What is it?" he asks, holding her shoulders. Tears start pouring out of her tightly shut eyes.


Suddenly, Pidge starts disappearing, fading away into the background of rose bushes behind her.

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