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Name: Veena
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Fox
Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: She's a very calm and collected mobian but she can easily get angry if you provoke or mess with her friends. She can be friendly and shy too with also being protective of her friends.

Looks: black fur with tail tipped pink, eyebrows are pink, white muzzle, blue eyes, blue hoodies with black pants, brown gloves with pink beaded bracelets around the gloves, blue crystal necklace and brown scandal shoes

Likes: her friends, sleeping, music, bushing her tail, playing chess, sweet treats, and music

Dislikes: Eggman, seeing her friends hurt, rapists, drugs, bullies and needles

Family: Orphan, Tail the Fox (Cousin)

Pet: A hero Chao named Angel

Weapons: Daggers

Powers: Control Electricity

Fears: needles

Weaknesses: rubbing her ears and fire and wind attacks

Forms: None

Extra: None

Adopted by tails_the_cute_fox

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Adopted by tails_the_cute_fox

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