The Fourteenth Zodiac Member (Leo/Loke x Reader)

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Your Ov (Being the fourteenth zodiac was rare and boring because no one knows I live the rabbit is not a star sign but the upside I don't have an eclipse side so I can help my master with the other spirits the celestial king gave my key to Miss Lucy it's rusted so it looks bronze until Lucy washes it in vinegar she sees my key is a gold key she is both shocked and surprised along with happy to hold another member of the zodiac I start to sparkle meaning Lucy was summoning me I see a blond girl, a pink haired boy, a raven-haired boy, and a red-headed girl and I'm in this weird room)

Me: Yes how may I help you?

Lucy: Who are you and how did your key get on my key ring?

Me: I guess he must have not told you the celestial king has given my key to you I'm Y/N the Rabbit Zodiac

Lucy: Zodiac?

Me: Yup I'm the fourteenth member of the zodiac I have a plus side when the eclipse sides happen I remain the same for I don't have an eclipse side so I can help

(I feel myself being hugged by Lucy)

Lucy: So let's get on that contract when are you free?

Me: Everyday but from 4 to 4:30 pm I'm unreachable due to hygiene

Lucy: Really?

Me: Yes Miss Lucy I look forward to having you as my key holder

Lucy: I'm not the holder of your key we're friends and family and I'll fight with you when you fight

Me: My powers do not seem like a rabbit more like a tiger but I was given the rabbit sign did you know getting the rabbit zodiac is rare 1 to a million chance really cool

Lucy: That's so cool why don't you go make yourself at home in the spirit world

Me: Ok I look forward to seeing you all again and meeting you formally

Lucy: My bad just go you got to make friends with my other spirits

Me: Bye Miss Lucy

(I was sent back to the spirit world and I get mobbed by strangers)

Ram: So this is the new girl?

Me: Yup your Aries the ram right?

Ram: Nice to meet you

Me: Y/N the rabbit zodiac

Aries: Oh you're the new zodiac the king told us about?

Me: Yeah

Lion: Well I must say you're prettier than I thought

Me: Can it Lion boy I don't like flirts and I would ask nicely if you would let me go

Lion: Oh ok

(He starts to sulk in the corner growing mushrooms Sound like tamaki anyone)

Mermaid: I like you I'm Aquarius

Me: Nice to meet you and the others are

(Time skip to after introductions all but the lion boy)

Me: Oi Lion boy I'm sorry I was harsh earlier I just don't like flirts or being touched

Lion boy: I'm Leo

Me: It's a pleasure to meet you Leo

(After we party until we all fall asleep I wake up to see Lucy wants to summon me I rub my eyes to see a lion cuddled in a ball close to me I pet his head and giggle then leave to lucy)

Me: You called what can I do for you?

(I see someone that's not Lucy then I see Lucy on the wall chained I go to help her but they grab a knife holding it to Lucy's neck she looks at me I shook my head she wanted me to stop them but risk her life)

Me: I'm not doing it I can't lose you like you said yesterday we're family and I won't lose my family

Lucy: Just do it take them down don't worry about me

(I started crying looking at Lucy she looks at me with a determinant look)

Me: I can't I won't Leo

(I see Leo summon himself he looks at me I point to Lucy he stares in shock he tries to go help Lucy but I grab his hand he looks at me surprised)

Me: Don't he could hurt her Leo if only we had the redhead

Leo: You mean Erza?

Me: I felt loads of magical energy come from her

Lucy: She's in the other room

Man: You move I'll kill her


(I then see a hole in the wall to see the Erza lady she goes to attack but the guy pushes the blade deeper to Lucy's neck she stops)

Me: Take me instead leave her alone

Erza: Are you crazy?

Me: I leave when I'm out of magic energy it'll be ok for me to get hurt but if lucy dies I lose someone important and I can't and won't stand for that

Man: Fine walk over slowly and I'll throw blondy to the redhead

(I slowly walk to him he throws Lucy to Erza she catches Lucy and checks her to see if she's ok)

Me: Go Leo take care of Lucy once my gate closes as Erza fights please do this for me?

Leo: Sure

(The man grabs my wrist and sticks the blade across a lot of times my gate closes when Leo gets back I was worried he looks at me I run and hug him he tenses then hugs back we pull back I cup his cheeks and forcefully kiss him his eyes widened to the size of golf balls then kisses back when we pull back I hug him again)

Me: You had me so worried is Lucy ok?

Leo: Yeah she's fine and questions why did you kiss me?

Me: You may be a flirt but I learned to love it and you just after one day

Leo: So the hunter fell for the pray?

Me: I guess if you're saying you like me too?

Leo: Most positive my sweet Y/N

(He hugs me and we stay like that all night until we fell asleep in each other's arms)


(P.S Words-1009)

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