Epilogue: Locked In Your Eyes

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"Calm down! I'm sure she's coming! Hey! Can you just chill?!" Gray says, after I have been walking back and forth.

"I can't calm down, Gray! This is a huge deal! I mean, everyone is here already! What if she ditches me with her girlfriends and goes to Hawaii without me!? That's where our honeymoon will take place and–"

"Dragneel! Calm down! Oh my goodness! I am so sick and tired of seeing you talk a bunch of bullshit." Gajeel says, and I bite my bottom lip.

"Sorry! Plus, I am allowed to be anxious on my own wedding! Hundreds of people are here and they might just have gotten ready for nothing! I don't want that, man." I said, shaking my hands.

"I think you need a drink before all of this. Uh, excuse me, Father. May Natsu have a drink? He's getting all worried." Gray says.

"No drinking in church, sorry." Father says, chuckling.

"Oh, that's just great." Gray mutters, turning back around.

I gulp, looking at the guests sitting down. I spotted Evergreen and I sprint towards her.

"Ever! Have you seen Lucy?! She didn't abandon me, right?"

"What? No! She's on her way! Calm down!" Evergreen says, joining her husband, Elfman.

Suddenly, the church bell rings and a black limousine parks in front of the church. Gajeel drags me back towards the front and I fix my tie, clearing my throat.

This is the moment where I get to see Lucy in a wedding dress. She's finally going to become my wife.

I take deep breaths and distracted myself a little from the anxiety. I look at my eyes and they were shaking nonstop.

That's when the wedding music begins to play and I stare at the aisle. I gasp once I saw Lucy walking with Juvia side by side.

Her hair was held up in a beautiful bun. The white wedding veil lays behind her head and it stops by the end of her elbows. She was wearing a white gown that had designs of leaves. A golden crown was placed on her head with a silver necklace planted neatly on her chest.

She was smiling and blushing. Lucy has always looked so beautiful but now, she's more beautiful.

Juvia finally brings her to me and I take her hand. I look down at her dress and back up at her eyes.

"You look amazing." I said, smiling.

"Thank you. You look amazing too." She says, grinning.

We were locked into each other's eyes, lost and in love. This has always been my dream ever since I began to love Lucy. And now that we're getting married, it just makes me feel so emotionally happy.

"Natsu, you're crying a little." Lucy mutters as the priest speaks.

"Sorry." I said, chuckling as I wipe them off with my hand.

The priest continues, until Gray comes with the rings in a small white pillow. Lucy takes on and I take the other.

"You may say your vows, Miss Lucy." The priest says.

Lucy looks up from the ring to my eyes. Her eyes sparkle and she takes my hand.

"I take you, Natsu Dragneel, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart. I promise to be spontaneous, and to cherish each moment with you. I promise to be willing to try new things. I promise to always take time for us. I promise to be your biggest fan," Lucy pauses and chuckles. "I promise to love you, dream with you, laugh with you, cry with you, and most of all, to be there encouraging you. Please take this ring in honor of my love and loyalty."

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