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It had been three days since Taehyung had left with Hoseok. On the very first day they had drove for a while until they eventually arrived at a rather large building that Taehyung couldn't fathom only one person living there. It was dark out when Hoseok led Taehyung into the large house. He sat him down on a stool that spun around in front of a large marble counter. He removed his blazer and Taehyung thought he might want something from him. But he didn't. He simply sat it down and walked away before returing with a piece of paper that was full with fancy writing and a space to be signed at the bottom. "This is a contract." Hoseok emphasized. Taehyung nodded quickly. He knew what it was and read over it quickly before signing the bottom. He looked up as Hoseok began to speak. "You know who I am. You know what I am. But I need you to know that I'm not here to hurt you in anyway and that I care about you." Taehyung felt cheated, he felt..angry even. "You don't even know me. How do you care about me?!" He felt like screaming. Taehyung nodded slowly with a smile. That night Taehyung was fed coconut chicken and pineapple by Hoseok. "This is good." Taehyung spoke, stuffing his face with fresh juicy fruit. He felt like he was being stared at. Looking up he saw soft eyes peering at him. He realized he had spoken out of turn and began to speak, his eyes darting around the room in anguish. "I'm S-Sorry..I" He was cut off by a laugh. "It's okay. You have permission to speak whenever you feel like it. Taehyung nodded once more and continued to eat. "And thank you. But it's literally just chicken and fruit.. I'll make it more often for you, Tae." Taehyung felt all bubbly inside. Here this man was, offering to cook for him and giving him a nickname? Later that night Taehyung was told to shower. After pulling on a pair of pajama pants and a white shirt that were given to him by Hoseok he was instructed to get in bed and try to sleep. Laying in the bed Taehyung couldn't help but let his eyes discover the room. While Hoseok showered Taehyung stood up and began to walk around the room slowly. In the middle of the room was a large bed with black and white sheets. The walls were white, the furniture was white and gray. And the two walk-in closests had gray doors. "So he's a minimalistic guy..And his favorite colors are white, black, and gray." Taehyung thought to himself. Walking into the first close he saw about ten suits all in either a solid white, black, or gray. Opening a few drawers he saw pants and shirts all of those same three colors. Turning to the other side of the closet he pulled a large mirror open to reveal the exact opposite of the other side. In this section were bright clothing, name brand hoodies and jackets that were multicolored. He pulled out a large black and gold Puma hoodie and tried to imagine Hoseok wearing it. He smiled before doing something that even he was shocked by. He smelled it. It smelled of soap and.."Warmth" He said to himself. "Gold..what a color.." He said aloud. Beginning to put the hoodie back he nearly jump out of his skin as a voice spoke behind him. "It happens to be one of my favorite colors." Hoseok spoke calmly. Taehyung dropped the hoodie and frantically moved to put it back. It popped from its hanger and crashed to the floor again. Watching all of this Hoseok began to smile. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and was gently drying his hair with a smaller towel. "I'm told me to sleep. I should be sleep." Walking up to Taehyung he removed the hoodie from his hands and proceeded to place it on the hanger properly. "No. I didn't tell you to sleep, I told you to try to sleep. And it's looks like you've failed with that." He laughed, earning a relieved breath from Taehyung. "Honestly..I should apologize for not giving you a proper tour. I was saving that for tomorrow..when it's much earlier." Taehyung had never been apologized to. He was the only one that always had to apologize. Walking back to the bed behind Hoseok slowly Taehyung noticed Hoseok's hand towel turning a different color. As Hoseok stepped into the light Taehyung noticed auburn locks covering his head. "So that's what took him so long." Taehyung gently creeped back into the bed as Hoseok dropped his towel and pulled on clothes. "I like your hair..Sir. I t-think it suits you." Now in the bed with Taehyung, Hoseok wrapped his arms around Taehyung, his voice deep and sultry "Thank you.." He cooed softly. There was that bubbly feeling again. Taehyung didn't want to struggle but, he didn't want to like it either. After a few moments of breathing in Hoseok's warm scent and listening to his coarse breathing Taehyung couldn't help but fall asleep.

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